MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine - C.428 unexpected joyMar 07, 2023

MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine

C.428 unexpected joyMar 07, 2023

Chapter 428 Unexpected Joy

"Uncle, do you want to keep those two children from now on, or just keep them for a few days?"

Tao Jiayun asked Xu Jinshan unexpectedly.

Xu Jinshan's avatar in that group is his own photo, so it's not difficult for Tao Jiayun to recognize him.

"There is only one child in my family, and I will take care of those two children as my own. No matter what happens in the future, as long as they have a bite of my meal, they will not be hungry!"

Xu Jinshan has an honest appearance. The words coming out of his mouth are really convincing.

"Okay, since you have said so, uncle, then the rest of the food will belong to your family! It will be used as the ration for the two children, and it is also considered that we all do our part for the two hard-working children. "

The food distribution is all distributed by the people who are here pointing to the family members' headshots in the group.

Some children and elderly people don’t have cellphones, so they just let the people at home take pictures to prove it.

It is unrealistic to say that there is no cleverness at all, but most people still say it truthfully.

Of course, Xu Jinshan didn't take out the photos of the two children. First, the children were not born to him, and secondly, the two children only came to the house for a few days and took up the rations for both of them. He couldn't do such a thing. thing.

Xu Jinshan only took the share of Mother Xu and Xu Yin.

But he didn't say it, Tao Jiayun was a mirror in his heart.

"I'm so embarrassed, those two children don't eat much and don't waste any food, so let's not separate them."

It's time for this, and the food in his hand is still pushed out. Except for Xu Jinshan, it is difficult for such a stupid person to find a second one.

Originally, many people still felt uncomfortable giving those things to Xu Jinshan. Who knew if he would give the two children something to eat?

But seeing Xu Jinshan say such words now, he felt at ease and persuaded Xu Jinshan one by one.

"Take it, it's not for you, it's for the two children."

"That is, if you don't want it, the children still have to eat!"

"This misty monster is scary. If you say that the two children will not be able to eat in a few days, we will each bring you meals."

A group of people said every word, not to fight for food, but to push the food in front of them out. This scene made Tang Mo feel a little moved.

In the end, under everyone's dissuasion, Xu Jinshan was very embarrassed to accept the things, and repeatedly promised to take good care of the two children and accept everyone's supervision.

One of the people who shared the food on this side was happy, while the others who were **** on the other side broke down.

They watched the food that originally belonged to them being divided up by so many people, and their hearts felt as if they were about to bleed.

Zhang Tiger spat out the rag in his mouth with all his strength.

"Hey, you all took away all the food, what shall we eat!"

The bound Zhang Tiger roared, being bound, beaten and scolded was not a big deal, but there was no food at all, wouldn't that kill them!

It wasn't until we heard this harsh sound that everyone rang, oh yes, there are still a few people lying there!

But these people are bad guys and enemies, what should we do next?

Everyone turned their attention to Tao Jiayun.

But this time, even Tao Jiayun was in trouble.

The things have already been obtained, but what should this person do with them?

has already gotten to this point. If they are released, what if they are attacked and retaliated?

They only got the courage to get together with a lot of people. Everyone has seen the strength of these people. If they are singled out, it will be dead in a few moves.

It is even more impossible to distribute food to them. If it is said to distribute food to those two children, it is still a flower that saves the motherland, but if it is said to distribute food to these few people, it is a cancer that nourishes the motherland.

can kill them...

Tao Jiayun is not very old. Although he is very brave, he has always lived in a peaceful society. It is absolutely impossible for him to make up his mind to kill a few people.

"Just tie them up here, it's up to the gods to die or live."

Tao Jiayun picked up the rags and blocked their mouths again.

Without food and no one to save them, being bound here is ultimately a death.

Everyone knew the result in their hearts, but no one raised any objection.

Maybe in everyone’s heart they are waiting for someone else to say this.

Rare, even Xu Jinshan didn't say anything, but lowered his head and silently sorted out the food he was given.

Just like that, everyone said goodbye with the food they were given, and then rushed back into the fog and back to their home.

Before leaving, Tang Mo looked at the few people tied to the ground and left some mental power on each of them.

The resentment in the eyes of Zhang Hu and several people did not hide at all, and they stared fiercely at everyone leaving.

Tang Mo shook his head, leaving such hidden dangers here, there will definitely be problems in the future.

How could a person with the ability attribute be bound by a few ropes for a lifetime? Everyone's heart is still too soft.

But obviously Xu Jinshan was right next to him, so Tang Mo couldn't do anything.

For such a mission world, except for the mission, she doesn't seem to interfere with the normal operation of this world.

After all, the butterfly effect instigated will cause her a lot of trouble, she only needs to ensure the safety of Xu Jinshan and his wife.

Although he thought so, before going out, Tang Mo still used mental power to abolish one of the arms of these people.

The sudden and severe pain caused them to scream in pain, but because of the gag, the people outside could not hear what they were shouting.

"What happened to them?"

Xu Jinshan saw that something suddenly seemed wrong with these people, so he hesitated and wanted to go forward.

"Dad, it's okay, they must be scolding us, go home quickly, Mom is still waiting for us to come home for dinner."

At the end of Tang Dynasty, Xu Jinshan was pulled.

Xu Jinshan lost all his curiosity when he heard his daughter say this. He now has a lot of food on his body. If he takes it home, he doesn't know how happy his daughter-in-law will be, so he should go back early.

In this way, Xu Jinshan and Tang Mo rushed back into the mist again.

At the end of Tang Dynasty, Xu Jinshan did not have a mental protection shield this time, which made him completely feel the power of the fog.

He couldn't always make him feel that the world was gentle, otherwise he would be annoyed if he ran out and strolled around Tang Mo when he had nothing to do.

On the other side, Mother Xu, who had not waited for someone to come back, looked at her phone anxiously, and the other aunts in the group who had not gone out were also asking each other about the situation in each other's homes.

It took a long time to divide things, and I was so happy that I forgot the time, which made the family worried.

(end of this chapter)

