MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine - C.427 At the end of the Tang DynastyMar 07, 2023

MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine

C.427 At the end of the Tang DynastyMar 07, 2023

Chapter 427

Dilemma, probably talking about Tao Jiayun's state of mind at this moment.

"This time, when you go home, you will starve to death. Not only did you starve to death, but your mother, wife, and children all starved to death. They are still waiting for you to bring food back home. Are you going back empty-handed? Are you worthy of them? "

scattered the crowd and a clear voice sounded.

That is naturally Tang Mo's voice, everyone has come this far, how can she not push it?

Yes, when I went out, my wife and children were still full of joy. How can I go back empty-handed and explain?

Watching the person you love die in front of your eyes seems to be more cruel than seeing the sun tomorrow.

The balance in everyone's heart has come to an end again, the original step back has also stopped, and the weapon in his hand has been grasped again.

"It's just a little bit stronger, let's not be afraid, success or failure is here!"

Taking advantage of everyone's anger again, Tao Jiayun took the opportunity to say, and then took the lead and rushed over.

saw someone move their hands first, and the remaining dozens of people were not idle, grabbing their weapons and going up to meet them.

Forty people here, four people there, ten people around one person is just right.

At the end of Tang Dynasty, he did not come up, but watched everyone from behind.

What she didn't expect was that the four Zhang Huo were all superhumans!

Because none of them are psychic abilities, she didn't notice it either, but looking at this power and agility move now, it's far beyond the scope of ordinary people.

No matter how powerful an ordinary person is, it is still difficult for one person to fight three hands, let alone ten.

There are ten people, four people hug your hands and feet, and the remaining six people can't slow down when one punches you.

But the four Tiger Zhang were obviously able to deal with it. Not only were they able to deal with it, but they even found a trick.

That is, as long as someone grabs him, he will grab it and throw it out.

The table will be thrown to pieces, and it is forbidden for ordinary people to throw it like this.

Fortunately, Tang Mo used his mental power behind him to make the hit on the ground not so painful, otherwise he would have to fall to his death.

But after smashing it around like this, there is no combat power after a few times.

Soon, there were fewer and fewer people around Zhang Tiger, and they had the upper hand, and they were even about to win.

The people of the late Tang Dynasty were standing here, how could it be possible to watch such a thing happen.

Seeing that things were almost done, the four mental forces were used, and those people were imprisoned.

Zhang Tiger and the others felt that there was an invisible force that bound them like a rope, and they couldn't even swing their fists, so they could only let others hit them.

This feeling is very aggrieved, but there is no way to resist.

"Come on everyone! They're out of strength!"

In terms of the ability to assist, if Tang Mo said that he was second, no one would be the first.

Seeing that Zhang Huo and the others seemed to be really exhausted and unable to fight back, these people didn't care whether their **** or waist was hurt by being dropped, so they threw off their arms and rushed up again.

The matter of fighting is self-taught, even if people who are usually gentle, have really tried a few tricks, they have learned a lot.

With Tang Mo's help in the rear, a group of people naturally completely subdued Zhang Hu and several others.

In the end this battle can be said to be an overwhelming victory.

Not so, the opponent's hands and feet are tied up, even if the pigs go up to fight, they can win.

After Zhang Tiger and a few people were knocked down, everyone tied them tightly with prepared ropes.

Then everyone stopped caring about them, and couldn’t wait to find food.

"Here! Come on everyone, lots, lots of rice!"

The first person to find the food shouted, and everyone rushed over after hearing the sound.

I saw a small room full of rice, white noodles, oil and eggs, and even a pile of sealed steaks.

This small room looks like a small warehouse, and the contents in it are much more than the pictures Zhang Tiger took to them.

This discovery surprised everyone. No one thought that there would be so much food here. So much rice and white noodles would definitely be enough to last for a few months.

Many people saw these things and even couldn't help shedding tears of excitement.

"The bet is won." Tao Jiayun looked at these things with a blank expression on his face, unable to calm down for a long time.


"Yes! Divide it, divide it now!"

Everyone can't wait for a long time, the family is waiting for the rice to cook.

Tang Mo has been following Xu Jinshan to watch all this. She has found out that these people seem to be good at everything except fighting.

The counting work will start soon. People on this side are doing the counting, and on the other side, the plan for counting people and making divisions is started.

The people who came out this time are basically the pillars of the family, and their words are counted. After discussion, everyone quickly came up with a plan.

The rice and white noodles here are all 50 jins per bag, there are 100 bags of rice and 100 bags of white noodles.

This staple food is a big one. After all, a bowl of rice can cook a large pot of rice, enough for a family to eat for several days.

The division method discussed by everyone is to divide according to the head of the group.

Men get 50 jins of rice per person, women 40 jins per person, children under 12 years old and over 6 years old get 30 jins per person, and children under 6 years old get 20 jins per person.

After the calculation is complete, you can receive it according to the family.

There is no question of patriarchal preference, it is all based on food intake.

may not be so fair, but it is already the fairest division in the shortest time that everyone can think of.

Everyone has no meaning to this arrangement.

Eggs are divided equally according to the number of heads, no matter adults or children, each person finally got eight.

The oil content is simpler, one household per barrel. This thing is not very useful when there is no vegetable. Even a family of eight is not too rare to get a barrel of oil, so naturally it doesn’t matter.

The number of steaks at the end was the least, and there was no other way, only one piece per person who showed up today.

After all, he has to go out and contribute. This is the fairest way, and no one can say anything.

In an hour, all these things have been distributed, and everyone will carry the things that belong to their own families on their backs. For the next period of time, these foods are their most precious things and their lives.

The warehouse soon became empty, but it was not completely empty. After all, there were still some fractions left after the rice and white noodles were divided.

There is not much rice and white flour left, and it adds up to 30 to 40 pounds, but who is it for?

Everyone looked at Tao Jiayun.

Tao Jiayun was dominant from the beginning to the end, and he was very fair in his words and actions, and everyone still trusted him.

(end of this chapter)

