MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts - C.96 Six-tailed rhinoceros, open four divine rings in a row!Mar 07, 2023

MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts

C.96 Six-tailed rhinoceros, open four divine rings in a row!Mar 07, 2023

Chapter 96 Six-tailed rhinoceros, open four divine rings in a row!


Long Aotian saw such a scene, and he no longer wanted to leave a living mouth.

The dark holy stone is indestructible and can absorb the negative energy of the world and convert it into divine power.

can not only help with cultivation, but also stimulate special fusion skills.

The entire Holy Spirit Religion has three pieces, each with different grades, and this piece can convert two kinds of divine powers.

But the dark holy stone can be swallowed, and it can only be spit out after it is completely absorbed.

Long Aotian has been saving for decades, but now he was swallowed by a kid.

How can you not be angry?

The huge dragon claws swept out, and the space was violently torn apart.

However, Tang Chen was not in a hurry.

"The taste is not bad, I just want to find your Holy Spirit to vent my anger, so let's have another fireworks!"

Reincarnation writing wheel eyes opened, and a white tailed beast tangled body was spit out.

Long Aotian's claws bounced back instantly, and a creepy feeling enveloped his body.

"Let's dance to the world~"

"In the end, seek the Taoist jade~"


The world is silenced again, only the huge black sphere is spreading.

This time it wasn't as destructive as there was nothing there.

The weakness of the body has led to a decrease in the power of the Daoyu, but it is still a terrifying natural disaster.

The    shock wave spread out again, and those cities that were already in ruins were completely wiped out.

There were almost no casualties, only those birds that flew in without opening their eyes responded to the disaster.

Long Aotian was so frightened that his soul went out of his body, and he used the strength of feeding to escape.

Unfortunately, it was too close to the center of the explosion, and was eventually involved in it.

The screams of    kept echoing, and he could only hope that divine power could block it.

As the initiator, Tang Chen has already entered the Imperial Palace and is looking at the log.

The ultimate jade is really easy to use, and it can be used as a flat A in the future.

The guy outside will be disabled even if he doesn't die. This is what provokes him.

For the sake of insurance, the appearance should be adjusted


Maybe it was because he was pretending too much, Tang Chen suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Two terrifying energies filled his body, almost destroying his body.

"You can't eat indiscriminately"

Tang Chen supported his body with difficulty, and quickly thought of a way.

Because of the depleted body of the other gods, it can absorb this kind of god-level power.

Just hope that the limit is not exceeded.


The violent energy poured out, and everything around was blown to dust.

Tang Chen's body gradually became full, and even exuded a kind of precious light.

The origin of the divine tree, the Yin seals are all in operation.

Even the divine tree martial spirit appeared, madly absorbing this energy.

creaking ~

The painful body quenching process begins, the gray energy seems to fit the corpse veins best, and the wings behind it automatically unfold.

A new pair of wings stretched out, and then became as thin as cicada wings.

looks like the wings of a dragonfly, but exudes a rotten death force.

Compared with the huge bone wings before, the two pairs of thin wings are now more beautiful, and they contain more rotten and poisonous.

The bones of the whole body were affected by the shadow, and they began to shatter and recast, emitting the light of precious jade.

And another kind of dark energy is quickly absorbed by the body.

Before it was too late, it was converted into a high concentration of soul power by the exercise method.

The   yin seal is also snatching up, like a gorgeous feast.

A large amount of impurities poured out of Tang Chen's body, and Xuanyu's hand automatically stimulated and spread throughout the body.

By the time the body reaches saturation, he has already gained a huge boost.

『Congratulations on your evolution of corpse bones to kill the wings together, the number of wings increases, and the power to kill together increases』

『Congratulations on your body's great improvement, and comprehend passive defense: Xuanyu body』

『Congratulations on reaching the fourth level of the original cultivation technique of the divine tree: ten thousand times the purity of soul power』

『Congratulations on your promotion to level 60, and you opened the sixth spirit ring on your own: Six-tailed Rhinoceros.』

『Congratulations on obtaining the soul skill: Melting.』

『Congratulations on your ability improvement: Tailed Beast Jade』

『Congratulations on getting the Heavenly God Domain』

Melting: The bloodline boundary formed by the fusion of earth and fire, can create magma, and has a terrifying high temperature that melts everything.

Heavenly God Domain: Allows allies within the range to gain a temporary level increase, breaking through the realm can independently obtain the best spirit ring.

At present, it can be upgraded to seven levels. Each time a spirit ring is obtained, the effect will decrease by one level, and the effect of the level will decrease, and you will not be able to obtain blessings.

『The dark holy stone has too much energy, please use the second martial spirit to absorb it, otherwise there will be a danger of body explosion.』

The system log was refreshed frantically, and the benefits Tang Chen received was unimaginable.

But at this time he was not in the mood to take a closer look.


The collapsed spirit of the divine tree roared, and it became difficult to split the spirit ring in this state.

The six-tailed rhinoceros figured it out by himself, and his body was ticking with mucus.

Like a giant slug with a tail


A special roar sounded, and the six-tailed rhinoceros quickly turned into a pool of liquid, and then condensed into a white-gold soul ring.

Tang Chen didn't watch the fusion process, his spirits didn't need to be switched, they could be used at the same time.

The black spear of Amana appeared and quickly began to absorb the still huge energy.

The tree of gods is weak, and it seems that it is not enough to make up for it.

The body and the exercises are already full, and only the second martial spirit is left to save the life.

Tang Chen held the spear of Tianzhu, and a huge amount of power was injected into it.

But this artifact is not very interested in the power of darkness and death.

instead absorbs the negative energy in it, mainly evil spirits.

The rest of the    was removed from the tip of the spear, and the starting ball space was destroyed in a large area.


The golden soul ring suddenly appeared, directly attached to the spear of Tianzhu.

Tang Chen's arm sank, feeling at least ten times heavier.

Fortunately, the body has just been strengthened to adapt to this change.

The absorption speed of the power of evil spirits increased sharply, and the spear of Tianzhu trembled wildly.

The second spirit ring and the third spirit ring opened independently one after another, and they were all pure gold.

Tang Chen could feel that this kind of spirit ring was a little stronger than the platinum spirit ring.

But both belong to the million-year level, it can only be said that the emphasis on power is different.

But the fourth spirit ring that opens next is different.


A dazzling purple-gold light lit up, and the weight of the spear of Tianzhu increased sharply.

Tang Chen was directly pressed to the ground, and he lifted the spear of Tianzhu with both hands.

And a deep purple-gold spirit ring was placed on top of the martial spirit, at least a divine ring that was more than five million years old.

The four divine rings are constantly rhythmically exuding a terrifying power.

But in the end, this power converged and all condensed into the spear of Tianzhu.

The weapon spirit focuses on enhancing the body of the weapon, which is completely different from the beast spirit.

Tang Chen reluctantly stood up, his body was adjusting to the terrifying weight.

The    log has also been flushed.

『Congratulations on getting the first divine ring, the spear of Amana has grown to 10,000 jins』

『Congratulations on obtaining the second divine ring, the spear of Amana has grown to 20,000 jin.』

『Congratulations on obtaining the third divine ring, the spear of Tianzhu has grown to 50,000 jin.』

『Congratulations on getting the Thundershade Domain』

『Congratulations on obtaining the fourth divine ring, the spear of Tianzhu has grown to 100,000 jins.』

Tang Chen's expression changed slightly, this martial spirit seemed to be higher than the divine tree at the start.

The first three rings of the   Sacred Tree are still red, and it is now 990,000 years old.

But the spear of Tianzhu actually started with a divine ring, so Tang Chen quickly checked the introduction.

Monthly pass please!

(end of this chapter)

