MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts - C.91 Bibi Dong VS Eight Super Douluo!Mar 07, 2023

MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts

C.91 Bibi Dong VS Eight Super Douluo!Mar 07, 2023

Chapter 91 Bibi Dong VS Eight Super Douluo!

"The method is very simple, just extract other people's spirits and spirit rings and devour them."

"You can ask the leader for the specific method!"

"Can you come with us now? As for the Pope, the leader will definitely welcome you to the headquarters."

Youxie's eyes swept up and down, coveting the beautiful Bibi Dong.

Evil Soul Master, how could he suppress his desires?

"Move your dog's eyes!"

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes, and black flames swept away.


Youxie covered his face and screamed, and the martial spirit behind him directly manifested.

Like a mess of mud, it got into the body.


Youxie gasped heavily, black sludge dripped from his face, and even separated Amaterasu.

"One word for you, get out!"

"Otherwise it's more than just flames!"

Tang Chen's momentum has reached the peak, and he will kill at any time.

"Oh, it hurts so much, as expected, there is an existence that can defeat Super Douluo!"

"It's a pity that you killed yourself today and killed so many soul masters!"

"The dark holy stone has been sacrificed enough, please let you die at will!"

Youxie's face was scorched black, but the smile did not stop.

A dark gem levitated, shooting out eight threads to connect the elders.

"Then let's get started!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Death!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Dark Holy Dragon!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Evil Phoenix!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Lord of Nightmare!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Soul Eater Demon Worm!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Dark Ooze Monster!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Evil Eye Shrek!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Black Demon Puppet!"

The earth-shattering change appeared in an instant, and with the eight elders as the core, eight seven-in-one martial arts fusion skills were launched.

Tang Chen used it once to hang the Golden Crocodile Douluo with full firepower.

Ghost Ju and two Douluo used it, and they could easily trap Daming Erming.

Seven in one, just a skill that appears in the legend.

But at this moment there are eight of them, completed with the help of that dark holy stone.

And there will be at least eight Super Douluo who are close to the peak.

Tang Chen was stunned. He never thought that Douluo had such a level of power.

But Bibi Dong didn't, she had already been on guard.

suddenly reached out and grabbed Tang Chen and the Golden Crocodile Douluo on the ground and threw them towards the sky.

"Take them away!"

"Martial Soul Real Body!"

Bibi Dong's formidable strength exploded, turning into a half-human half-spider appearance.

Although it doesn't look beautiful, the strength of the 99th-level Limit Douluo can completely cover up this small flaw.

Besides, she has a second soul weapon.

"Eighth Soul Skill: Spider Emperor Clone!"

The dark soul ring exploded with divine light, and another Bibi Dong appeared.

It has 100% strength, but no wisdom or fear.

Bibi Dong let her clone attack, and she quickly retreated.

Six-winged purple light wings stretched out, driving the huge body off the ground.

Eight Super Douluos, even she can't defeat them.

"Want to run, slime glue!"

Among the eight behemoths, the dark ooze suddenly spurted mucus.

Bibi Dong didn't have time to dodge, and the wings on her back were stuck together.

"Hehehe~ I must bring a prey back today!"

"Grab it!"

Dark Holy Dragon, Death God, Evil Phoenix

These martial spirits are already very powerful, with the support of seven people.

What kind of power can    emit?


"Death Field!"

"Killing God Domain!"

Facing such a powerful enemy, Bibi Dong also used all her strength.

The two areas are instantly increased by 30%, and the enemy is reduced by 40%.

The gap between the previous and the next is huge, and the pressure from the eight powerhouses is instantly reduced.

"You will pay the price!"

"Third Soul Skill: Death Cobweb Binding!"

Bibi Dong spewed silk threads from his mouth, quickly trapping the flying evil phoenix.

Then the fourth spirit ability was connected, and the spider legs behind him stabbed the dark holy dragon.

She was very worried that these two flying powerhouses would go after Tang Chen.

Although it is preemptive now, the situation is not optimistic.

Xiefeng couldn't get out of the trap for the time being, and the clone entangled the puppet, the devil and Shrek.

But she still has to face four.

"Blood Thorn!"

Bibi Dong's murderous rage, madly piercing the dark holy dragon.

But the Nightmare's attack arrived


The nightmare of burning flames on all four legs, like a group of strong horses.

But the blood-red eyes shot red light, and Bibi Dong's eyes dimmed.


Mental skills are not invincible, and Nightmare suddenly screamed in pain.

Bibi Dong's head spirit bone took effect, and the mental power was shaken back.

But it was this momentary confrontation that created an opportunity for the ooze.

The foul-smelling mud spread up, and Bibi Dong's spider legs were bound.

"Vampiric spider thorns!"

Bibi Dong dodged and was blocked, and faced the terrifying bite of the dark holy dragon.


The dark holy dragon's eyeball was pierced, and the sharp teeth bit her shoulder.

Both sides were injured, and both red and black blood continued to splash.

Bibi Dong clearly had the upper hand, but at this time he was facing a siege.

The phantom floating **** of death suddenly appeared, and the terrifying sickle flashed with blood.


Bibi Dong's arm and half of her shoulder were chopped off, no matter how tough she was, she couldn't help groaning in pain.

"Invincible Golden Body!"

The battle was so fierce that Bibi Dong could no longer hide.

The spirit bone of her left leg flashed with golden light, creating an invincible light shield on the surface of her body.

All the spirits that besieged her were blown away.


The second skill of    Spirit Bone appeared, and Bibi Dong flashed out of the entanglement range.

The severed arm and wound quickly recovered.

"Go to hell! Second Martial Spirit!"

Bibi Dong's spirit power fully exploded, and the effect of the spirit avatar faded away.

Dark green lines appeared on his forehead, and a layer of crystal clear green light spread all over his body.

Six spider legs grew out of his back, and his arms became sharp spider spears.

Especially the position of the lower body was completely replaced by a mass of dark green energy.

All the spirit bone armors appeared at the same time, and the terrifying coercion turned into reality.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's firepower is full.

"Sixth Soul Skill: Eternal Creation!"

Bibi Dong crossed his arms and suddenly cut out a dark green ripple.

The terrifying power has ripped apart the space, and the eight Super Douluos changed color at the same time.

"United Defense!"

The demon Shrek exhaled pure dark power from his pupils.

Then the pure energy body Death God charged forward, and the black golem covered in magic patterns also blocked it.

Eternal Creation is extremely terrifying, ignoring any physical defense, and energy defense will be reduced by more than half.

If the defense is split, the wounds will spread endlessly, and you can only rely on the spirit power to resist.

But when it runs out, it means death.

The Holy Spirit Cult didn’t know this, but the power of terror was enough for them to fear.

The three of them held up their shields in front, and the other five provided their soul power in the back.


The two forces collided, and the side with more people still had the disadvantage.

However, at this moment, the suspended dark holy stone also moved.

Absolute power entered the field strongly, instantly strengthening the shaky shield.

The two sides are in a stalemate again.

Ask for a monthly pass!

(end of this chapter)

