MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison - C.523Mar 07, 2023


But now is not the time to think about it, and then he said solemnly.

"The perception of monsters is much stronger than that of humans. You should be able to sense the danger here."

In fact, the guy in his body can feel it without the python, but he found that the guy seemed to have disappeared after arriving here, and he would not respond to anything.

After hearing the words, the giant python left here in a flash.

After a few breaths, he appeared again, but when he stopped this time, his face became very ugly.

"There are dozens of people in the late Dacheng stage ahead, you two should be more careful."

He originally thought that there was not much danger in 513, but after he went there, he realized that something was wrong. The strength of those few people was not too low. Chen Changsheng and Yuan Zu must be very passive.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng's expression darkened slightly, and the Holy Soul Sword also flashed a cold light at this moment, and it was a little difficult for him to deal with dozens of people at the great stage.

After thinking for a while, a faint smile flashed in his eyes, and finally set his eyes on Yuan Zu.

"Dare to take a gamble?"

Seeing the expression on his face, Yuan Zu was a little puzzled, but before he could open his mouth, Chen Changsheng revealed his cultivation base.

"What you say is what, I will listen to you."

Now he has no other choice but to do so.

Chapter 995 I'll lead them away, and kill as many as I can

After receiving his affirmation, Chen Changsheng flashed a sneer in his eyes, and swung his sword away.

Since Yuan Zu has agreed to do it, there is no need for them to continue wasting time.

Looking at his distant back, Yuan Zu was not ambiguous, and directly mobilized Xiuwei to follow.

Just as the two of them stopped, the scene in front of them made their faces very ugly.

These guys are not fake, but the things in their hands are not ordinary things.

After staring at them for a while, Chen Changsheng turned his head.

"Don't make too much noise and break them one by one."

The voice fell, and he directly held the Holy Soul Sword with a palm, but his power was not very strong.


After a loud noise, one of them was knocked flying by him, but the guy wasn't hurt much.

After stopping, there was a ferocious look in the man's eyes, and he walked away with a big knife in his hand.

The other people were just trying to keep up, but one of them stopped them.

"It must be the Yuan family who came to do intelligence, there is no need to go to war 〃'."

If that blow killed one of them, they would definitely not be so relaxed, but even a high-achieving person was not seriously injured, and they didn't have to waste time.

Seeing that his strike was effective, a coldness flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes, and just as the man approached, the Holy Soul Sword passed directly between the real eyebrows.

Seeing the sword stuck on his forehead, the man was also a little stunned. He didn't expect this to happen at all, and he was so vulnerable.

Before he could react, Chen Changsheng put away the Holy Soul Sword with his backhand.

"With such strength, he dares to chase after him alone."

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of one hand, the person in front of him disappeared.

I thought there would be two more, but I didn't expect only one of this guy to come. It seems that I have to change the trick.

After some thought, his eyes lit up, and he directly set his eyes on Yuan Zu.

Seeing him, Yuan Zu felt uncomfortable, and always felt that this guy was thinking of something else.

But before Yuan Zu could speak, he smiled lightly.

"I'm going to lead them away, and the rest can kill a few, kill a few."

When the voice fell, he didn't give Yuan Zu a chance to react, so he walked away with his sword.

One blow killed one person, and then his figure fled into the distance.

The other people were also stunned when they saw this, and then directly mobilized their cultivation base to chase after them. They didn't know the strength of this person in front of them, and they didn't dare to go alone. After a while, there were only five people left in the field.

Looking at the remaining people, Yuan Zu smiled coldly, and directly transformed the big sword out.

If there are so many people, he really can't handle it, but this is only half of it, and he has the ability to kill.

As soon as he took a step forward, a hundred sword shadows appeared in front of those people.

"."boom! "

After a loud noise, the ground beneath his feet cracked open, and one of them died under his knife without any precaution.

When the other people saw this, their faces sank slightly, and there was a killing intent in their eyes, but they (Li Hao) didn't do anything, but took a few steps back.

They are very clear about the identity of the person in front of them, and the strength is too strong. Even if they join hands, they may not be able to kill him.

Seeing them all with fear on their faces, Yuan Zu sneered and slashed directly with the knife.

These people didn't want to do anything, but he wouldn't. Only by killing these people would he be able to help Chen Changsheng.

Just as his strike fell, the people in front of him also burst out of cultivation.

Chapter 996 It's not as simple as the two of us thought

Yuanzu's strength is the strongest, but it is not impossible for them to work together. Just when the shadow of the sword fell, they rushed forward.


After a loud noise, Yuan Zu was directly shaken back a hundred feet. After stopping, his face sank slightly, and there was an extra scar on his body.

But now where can he manage these, he just wants to solve the person in front of him, and then he directly takes a step forward.

Taking this step, his figure disappeared instantly, and when those people reacted, the surroundings were full of murderous aura.

Noticing the murderous auras surrounding them, their faces sank slightly, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back.

530 But one of the lower cultivation bases just lifted his foot, and a large sword appeared in front of him. Before he could react, Yuanzu slashed his arm off with a single blow.

When this shot fell, he was prepared, but he was still severely injured. When the backwards stopped, his face sank, and a trace of embarrassment flashed directly in his eyes.

He couldn't control the pain in his body at all, and could only stare at the ancestor in front of him with a grim expression on his face. He knew that a little carelessness would be a dead end.

"Having a bit of strength, he was able to escape."

As soon as the voice fell, the big sword in his hand flashed a cold light again, a sword shadow flashed, and his figure disappeared again.

In the past few days of practice, he has already touched the true meaning of martial arts, and he only needs to spend some effort on these people in front of him.

Sword shadows flashed out one after another, and the people in front of them became embarrassed and their faces paled a lot.


While they were still at a stalemate, a loud noise was heard in the distance.

Yuan Zu was also taken aback when he heard the voice, but soon a sneer flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Chen Changsheng had succeeded, how could those guys be Chen Changsheng's opponents.

The faces of those few people became very ugly, they didn't expect it to be like this at all.

But now is not the time to think about it. If Yuanzu does not solve it, it is impossible for them to escape from here.

"I still have the heart to care about others now." (bifa)

The corner of Yuan Zu's mouth rose slightly, and the figure had come to the front of a person, only to see a flash of cold light flashing on his big sword, and he slashed the person to the ground with a single blow.

When the other people saw this, they couldn't help but take a few steps back. Yuanzu's strength was indeed a little scared, and they didn't want to give up their lives in vain.

Although they had some intentions to retreat, Yuan Zu would not give them a chance to breathe, and sword shadows flashed out. After a while, they all swallowed their last breath.

Seeing that the person in front of him had been resolved, he sneered and put away the big knife with his backhand.

He originally wanted to help Chen Changsheng, but now it seemed that he didn't need it at all. He could easily handle these people, let alone Chen Changsheng.

Just as he was contemplating, Chen Changsheng had already walked forward, but when he stopped, his expression was slightly ugly.

"It's not as simple as the two of us thought. You have to get someone to investigate when you go back."

What he said was not a joke. He thought that there was nothing to gain here, but in the battle just now, he obtained some very terrifying information.

After hearing the words, Yuan Zu's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

But before he could react, Chen Changsheng sent a white light into his brain, which he got just before a person was dying.

With the entry of the white light, Yuan Zu's expression was also a little ugly.

Chapter 997 Isn't there an accident, I'm still alive, and today I'm going to get back what I lost.

After waiting for a while, he directly said with a gloomy expression.

"I'll ask someone to check as soon as possible, thank you this time."

When he said these last words, his voice was obviously softened a lot. Chen Changsheng helped him too much, and now he didn't know how to be grateful.

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng shook his head lightly, and said with a flat face.

"Don't look sad, I'm also half of the Yuan family, you should help you."

Seeing Chen Changsheng's indifferent face, Yuanzu didn't know what he was talking about. He could only keep this gratitude in his heart, and he would find another way after this matter was dealt with.

After looking around for a while, they found that there was no one else's figure, and they put away the cultivation base.

However, Chen Changsheng flashed a hint of doubt, he never imagined that these guys were so weak.

"These should be your Yuan family's subordinates, why are they..."

He didn't finish his words, because he felt that it hurt Yuanzu's self-esteem.

He only said half of what he said, which made Yuan Zu a little confused, but he quickly reacted, and then his face was flat.

"They just belong to the Yuan family, they are equivalent to some thugs of the Yuan family."

After hearing the words, Chen Changsheng finally understood, but instead of opening his mouth, he turned around.

"Since they can gather here, it means that the person they are looking for is not far from here. If you look around, maybe you can find something."

The voice fell, and his figure had appeared a hundred feet away. Seeing that he had made a move, Yuan Zu also mobilized his cultivation base to attack.

After exploring around, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of both of them, but they found nothing, except for the corpses, there was nothing else at all.

"They're not running away, are they?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Changsheng's eyes, and he said solemnly.

"They would never give up like this, they should have gone elsewhere."

He still has a relatively clear understanding of these people, and it is impossible for him to give up unless he has fled elsewhere.

Before he could finish his words, his expression darkened. Before Chen Changsheng could react, his figure appeared thousands of feet away.

Seeing that he suddenly quickened his pace, Chen Changsheng was also a little stunned, but he quickly followed.

He knew that this matter would not be so simple, and after galloping for a while, the two of them returned to the Yuan family.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

As soon as he stopped, Chen Changsheng felt that something was wrong, and the silence around him was a bit excessive.

"I watched in the dark for so long, come out"

Just when he was still confused, Yuan Zu said coldly.

The voice fell, and an invisible force appeared around, and in an instant, dozens of figures appeared in front of the two.


