MTL - The Great Desolation: Read the Holy King, Extract the God Statue To Suppress Prison - C.521Mar 07, 2023


Yuan Qing is his second uncle and the deputy head of the Yuan family. He thought he was on the same front as himself, but he didn't expect...

Seeing the grim look on his face, the person in front of him sneered.

"Don't care so much, I will definitely leave you with a good reputation when I take the throne, but you can't leave it now."

He knew that Yuanzu stayed behind, and it was impossible for him to justify these things in his hands.

When the voice fell, dozens of figures appeared behind him, and then those few people burst out of the cultivation base.

Noticing the cultivation base they exuded, Chen Changsheng's expression sank slightly, and there was a ferocious look in his eyes.

The breath of these people is more terrifying than what they encountered before. With so many shots at the same time, he and Yuan Zu have no chance of winning.

Seeing this, the faces of the people following Yuan Zu turned dark. They had indeed received Yuan Qing's order, but they didn't expect it to be a trap.

Just as they were about to start, the person in front of them smiled.

"You have to give up your resistance, I will never treat you badly, but I will never be lenient if you want to die."

Hearing this, the faces of those people turned dark, and they didn't know what to do now.

After thinking for a while, he directly set his eyes on Yuan Zu.

Noticing their gaze, Yuan Zu's eyes flashed a wry smile.

"It's too late for you to leave now, don't enter here again from now on..."

He won't let these people die with him, because he will die today, if he doesn't die, how can this guy let go of his scruples.

But his voice fell, and no one moved in front of him, but stood quietly aside.

At this moment, Chen Changsheng didn't care so much. The moment he pulled out the Holy Soul Sword, his figure disappeared in a flash.

Seeing his figure suddenly disappear, the person in front of him was also stunned, but before he could react, he felt a very strong murderous aura from all around him.

Now is not the time to think about it, he directly burst out the cultivation base.

Just as he was about to start, a ray of blood appeared directly in front of him.

When facing this guy, Chen Changsheng didn't want to give him any chance to breathe 5.0, but Chen Changsheng's attack was still blocked by him.


After a loud noise, he was shocked and stepped back half a step, and there was an extra wound on his body when he stopped.

However, these injuries were simply insignificant to him, not even a trace of blood was left.

"You have some strength, but I still underestimate you."

Chapter 989 Today, what's the use of telling me this? Either you die or I die

The voice fell, and his body was directly shrouded in a white light, and in an instant, the wound disappeared.

Seeing that the wound on his body suddenly healed, Chen Changsheng's expression darkened. Just as he was about to start, several people around him moved forward and surrounded him.

The cultivation base exuded from those people is also very strong, even a little stronger than Yuan Zu.

The person standing in the distance showed no sign of making a move, and a sneer flashed directly in his eyes.

"Since you want to get ahead, then I'll let you go first."

When the words fell, he directly winked at those people, and after receiving the signal, those people were no longer ambiguous, and instantly mobilized Xiu 18 to attack forward.

Sword shadows flashed out one after another, and Chen Changsheng was directly knocked back a hundred meters. After he stopped, his face sank slightly, and there were several more wounds on his body.

At this moment, he couldn't care about the pain caused by these injuries at all, there was a ferocious look in his eyes, and the Holy Soul Sword in his hand trembled immediately.

"It's a bit of a skill, but I didn't kill you."

Seeing the smile on his face this time, Chen Changsheng's expression sank slightly, and there was a ferocious look in his eyes.

Without saying any nonsense, he directly slashed forward with a sharp sword.

One after another sword light flashed, mixed with killing energy, instantly knocking back the few people in front of them, but it did not cause much damage to them.

Just when those few people were about to start, Chen Changsheng's figure disappeared strangely.

At this moment, a thick blood mist was directly set off in the field, and there was a sneer in the eyes of the person just now, but at this moment his complexion also darkened.

He found that he couldn't catch the trace of Chen Changsheng at all, and there were only dozens of afterimages around him.

After some thought, he directly burst out the cultivation base, but before he could react, a sword glow appeared in front of him.

But this time he was well prepared, and before the shadow of the arrow fell, his figure had already appeared ten feet away.

After the hit was missed, Chen Changsheng's figure disappeared again strangely. Seeing this, the Yuanzu on the side was not idle, and backhandedly mobilized the cultivation base.

After all, this was a family matter, and he couldn't let Chen Changsheng spend too much again.

Just as he was about to move forward, two figures appeared directly in front of him.

"Eldest son, don't blame us."

One of them said with a gloomy expression, directly exuding the cultivation base.

When facing Yuanzu, he still had a little bit of fear, after all, it was the oppression from the family.

But when he was fighting against Chen Changsheng, he didn't have this feeling at all. For an outsider, he didn't need to keep his hand at all.

After hearing the words, Yuan Zu shook his head and smiled.

"To this day, what's the use of you telling me this? Either you die or I die."

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of sword lights flashed past him.


After a loud noise, the two people in front of him appeared a hundred feet away, and the breath on his body became very weak.

After stopping, there was a flash of shock in the eyes of the two of them. They did not expect Yuan Zu's strength to be so terrifying.

But Yuan Zu would not give them a chance to breathe. Just when they were in a daze, Yuan Zu raised his sword and slashed again.


A streak of blood splattered, and the figures of the two slowly fell from the air.

When the other people saw this, they couldn't help but take a breath. They had seen the strength of their eldest son.

"Are you coming alone or together?".

Chapter 990 I have placed a restriction in the depths of your soul, if you have the heart of betrayal, your soul will be erased by yourself

There was a ferocious look in Yuan Zu's eyes, and the breath on his body became a little richer again.

Noticing the cultivation base he exuded, Chen Changsheng was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect this guy to hide so deeply.

He can see that Yuan Zu has already touched the door of martial arts, and it only takes time to break through the current stumbling block.

Seeing the cultivation base exuding from his body, Yuan Qing's complexion also became very ugly.

He was being suppressed by Chen Changsheng at this moment, and he couldn't catch a trace of Chen Changsheng at all. Yuanzu's current change made him feel a little dangerous.

Just when he was in a daze, Chen Changsheng slashed again with his sword, and this time he used Soul Slash directly.

A sword light mixed with killing energy flashed out, directly shaking him back a hundred feet. After stopping, his arm was already broken.

Seeing his expression of pain, Chen Changsheng smiled coldly, and the aura on his body became a little richer again.

"How can your strength be so strong?"

There was a trace of unwillingness in his voice, and the expression on his face was also very painful.

"Only you can't think of it without me. Did you kill yourself, or should I give you a ride 〃'?"

When he just started, he was still a little afraid, but now, this guy has only just crossed the threshold, and he is not his opponent at all by his strength.

When the voice fell, Chen Changsheng had already slashed again with his sword, and he didn't want to leave behind some hidden dangers.


After a loud noise, dust was stirred up around him, but Chen Changsheng's expression darkened, he knew that he failed to kill this guy.

Although that guy is not his opponent, but the speed of escape is also unparalleled. At this moment, he can't catch the other party's breath.

When the other people saw this, a trace of embarrassment flashed in their eyes. Now that Chen Changsheng had freed his hand, how could they be opponents.

Seeing Chen Changsheng coming towards them, the movements in their hands also slowed down a bit, and they couldn't help but go backwards a hundred meters.

But just when they stopped, the path behind them was shrouded in blood mist, and there was a huge figure inside.

"Give you a chance, whether you want to live or die."

After a few people heard it, a trace of embarrassment flashed in their eyes.

Just when they hesitated, the figure of the giant python appeared.

"You only get one chance, you have to cherish it."

With a sneer on his face, Chen Changsheng put away the Holy Soul Sword with his backhand. Yuanzu's men needed help, and these people were the best.

The reason why they didn't kill these people directly was because they had other intentions. If they were placed before, it would be impossible for them to live until now.

Feeling the coercion from the surrounding, those people were slightly taken aback, and after some thought, they turned into weapons and put them away, and then fell in front of Yuan Zu.

"." Several of us are willing to surrender. "

Looking at the few people kneeling in front of him, Yuan Zu didn't pay attention, but his face darkened a lot.

Seeing the doubt (Li Dehao) flashing in his eyes, Chen Changsheng smiled lightly.

"I know you are worried, but you can rest assured."

The voice fell, and he directly injected a few red lights into the bodies of those people.

As those forces entered their eyes, those people trembled all over, and a touch of pain flashed in their eyes, but they quickly disappeared when they got the feeling.

"I put a restriction in the depths of your soul. If you have the heart of betrayal, your soul will be erased on your own." Good.

Chapter 991 Since he has recognized you as the master, it is yours and has nothing to do with the Yuan family

What he said was not a joke. With his current strength, it would not take much effort to erase the souls of these people.

When the few people who were kneeling on the ground heard it, a trace of embarrassment flashed in their eyes, but they didn't dare to make trouble now.

The Chen Changsheng in front of him was very strong, and the Yuanzu beside him was not weak. If he was not careful, he could lose his life.

In fact, Chen Changsheng didn't want to use these things, after all, it was given to him by the guy in his body.

But it is not necessary now, the Yuan family is in a bit of trouble, and there is no one under Yuanzu who can use it.

After some thought, Yuan Zu waved to the people in front of him.

"You go down first."

These guys belonged to the Yuan family, and he was a little reluctant to let him kill them.

After a while, only he and Chen Changsheng were left in the arena.

At this moment, his face was slightly gloomy, and he fell to the ground on one knee. Chen Changsheng was also taken aback by his masculine behavior, and hurriedly lifted him up from the ground.

"What is this for?"

"If it wasn't for your help, I would have died here today."

"Don't talk so much, since I'm here, I'll help you to the end, and you'll be a little out of touch if you do this."

The voice fell, and Chen Changsheng directly pulled him up from the ground.

"There's nothing wrong, don't forget the promise of you and me."

After escaping from this place, the expression of the man just now was extremely difficult to see.

(bifa) He never thought that Chen Changsheng's strength would be so strong, and he underestimated Yuanzu.

