MTL - I’m Real Wine - C.58 -Mar 07, 2023

MTL - I’m Real Wine

C.58 -Mar 07, 2023

After the malt liquor left, Conan came over: "Is that someone the teacher knew just now?"

Orikasa shook his head: "I don't know." He glanced at Conan, "Are you interested?"

Conan nodded: "The teacher also knows about me. I think he may have something to do with that group of people."

In fact, Conan has never doubted Orikasa's identity until now. The reason is too simple. It was Orikasa who picked him up after he became small. He almost witnessed his process of becoming small. The organization has something to do with it, so he would make up for it directly instead of letting him investigate for so long.

Even if Haibara showed a stressful reaction when Orikasa was present, he would basically think that there were other members of the organization nearby and seldom thought about Orikasa.

I don't know what he would think if he knew that Orikasa had moved him to kill him when he was still in junior high school to prevent everything from happening in the future.

But that was an idea a long time ago, and no matter what Orikasa thought at the time, Kudo became Conan safely in the end. Although the process of changing Conan is not very safe.

"He does have a problem." Orikasa confirmed Conan's guess.

"Did the teacher find anything?" Conan looked up and asked him.

"He is the owner of the dog, but the dog is very afraid of him." The dog almost stopped barking in the hands of Malt Wine, that is, Ayumi was young and didn't notice it.

"What does the teacher mean, he abused the dog?"

I'm afraid it's more than that. The dog might still be an experimental product, and the wound may not necessarily be an injury from running out and wandering, but there is no need to tell Conan about it.

Conan came a little late, and it was too late to catch up. He asked Xiang Orikasa again: "I heard Ayumi said that person lives nearby?"

Orikasa frowned: "Are you going to investigate him?"

Although it's not very clear what the ale's reputation in the organization is now. But from his childhood experience, he can also guess that he is not easy to get along with.

And as a person who has been cultivated by the organization since childhood, malt wine is absolutely loyal to the organization. Even if Conan is discovered by Scotland, bourbon, or even liqueur or Belmode, it is fine, but if it is discovered by malt wine, it may be a big problem.

Conan nodded. For the group of people, he had a little clue to track down to the end.

Orikasa disagreed very much: "This kind of thing should be left to the adults."

He almost blurted out that you have the FBI and the police by your side, just leave it to them. Fortunately, he swallowed the words again. In Conan's eyes, he should still be just an ordinary teacher. It will never have anything to do with the FBI and the police.

Conan's eyes were firm. He was not someone who could be persuaded in just a few words. Orikasa could only shake his head when he saw this. Forget it, Conan probably still has the aura of the protagonist, so it's not that easy to get into trouble.

"Brother Amuro—" Ayumi's slightly excited shout came from not far away. Orikasa and Conan turned around, and sure enough, Toru Amuro was walking towards them.

The mess left by the malt liquor was really hard to clean up. Considering Kazama's psychological endurance, Amuro couldn't bear to call him over to help, but handled it himself.

For this matter, he also took a day off at the coffee shop, and after cleaning up, he went back to the police station to check the information, so he didn't come back until now.

Because he used to be a member of the outer circle, the identity of Malt Wine was not too strict. After careful investigation, he found some clues. This person has a criminal record in the Metropolitan Police Department. Yamato, an underground boxer by profession, has been detained many times for breeding, but not enough to qualify for a criminal case.

He was once on the watch list of the Metropolitan Police Department, waiting for him to be arrested directly when he committed a criminal case, but this person suddenly disappeared a few years ago.

Taking into account his occupation and the intensity of his past crimes, the Metropolitan Police Department reasonably guessed that he was probably approached by some enemy for revenge. He may have turned into a concrete pillar in Tokyo Bay, and gradually he was no longer concerned about him. .

Amuro thinks that malt liquor is probably an anti-social personality, and his experience in the organization has probably taught him a lot of skills, and he is a very difficult person to deal with.

He has changed a lot in recent years, his abilities have also improved a lot, and he has begun to pretend to be a gentleman.

Toru Amuro and Conan said hello, Orikasa glanced at Conan, but still didn't ask him why he suddenly mentioned the ale before.

On the contrary, Toru Amuro asked in a low voice beside Orikasa, "Have you seen malt liquor?"

His original intention was for Orikasa to help with the video, and he might have seen the ale in the video, but he didn't expect Orikasa to just nod his head: "He just left."

Have they actually met in real life?

Being an intelligence officer made him very much want to know what happened to Yamazaki and Ale, and now seeing the calm look on Yamazaki's face, it was completely incompatible with Ale's hostility to him. In other words, Yamazaki knew Ale. hostile to him?

This question was innocuous, and he naturally asked it. Anyway, Conan was thinking about something and didn't pay attention to their side.

Orikasa didn't say much, but just gave a slightly mocking "ha", but this one word attitude was already self-evident, but it made Jiang Gu Ling even more curious about the past between them.

And he wondered if it had anything to do with Yamazaki's increasingly deviating attitude towards the organization.

To this day, he almost regards Yamazaki as half a member of the Red Team. Now, looking at Yamazaki's attitude of paddling in the organization, it is almost as good as himself and Jingguang. In addition, Yamazaki clearly knows a lot about this side. Many secrets have not been revealed, and Yamazaki can already be classified as a friendly party.

It's just that I still haven't figured out why Yamazaki defected from the organization. The organization has always controlled the civilian staff very tightly. So far, the only civilian who has defected from the organization is Shirley. It was because of her sister. What is the reason for Yamazaki?

If Hagihara and Matsuda wanted to ask, they could probably ask. But he and Jingguang never wanted the friends around him to be involved too much with the organization, so it was delayed.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, the horn sounded behind him, and Hagihara rolled down the car window, "I rarely see the two of you together."

Jiang Gu Ling smiled: "It just happened to happen."

He actually didn't understand Hagihara and Matsuda's protective attitude. He knew that Yamazaki was probably related to something dangerous, but he still regarded him as a little white rabbit. A really good match.

This is probably the difference in perception brought by the first impression.

It's also because Orikasa is really well-behaved in front of Hagihara and Matsuda. He can move around and move around, and he looks so innocent and weak that he is often injured. Even if he knows that he is involved with Jingguang and Zero, it's really nice to see him. It's hard to associate him with these things.

Now that he met Hagihara and Matsuda, Orikasa skillfully opened the car door and sat in the back seat. He had been working overtime for the past few days, and the ingredients in the refrigerator were about to expire, so he had to dispose of them before they expired. So they didn't plan to go to Poirot either, they said hello and left.

Hagihara asked distractedly while driving, "Is there anything at school today? It's much later than usual."

Orikasa shook his head: "Help Ayumi find a dog."

So, it's hard to connect Oorikasa with those messy things.

"Has the dog been found?"

"I found it and returned it to the owner." Although he knew that the dog might have a miserable life at Malt Wine, Orikasa couldn't stop Malt Wine from getting the puppy back.

What's more, even if this one is saved, there will be another one. The organization will not lack such experimental products. To completely prevent such a thing from happening, only the organization will go bankrupt.

Orikasa shook his head, accidentally thinking about it again.

Hagihara felt that Orikasa's mood was not right, and while waiting for the red light, he tilted his head and asked, "What's the matter, I don't think you're happy."

It wouldn't be what the fella guy said.

Orikasa shook his head: "I remembered some things from my childhood. In fact, Orikasa's experience from childhood to adulthood was very simple, even simple enough to be boring.

He has been in the winery since he can remember. There are not many children who have grown up in the winery since childhood. They are basically children of members of the organization, such as Shirley and Miyano Akemi, who are obviously fatherless and motherless like him. However, there are even fewer who are still born in wineries and raised in wineries.

The organization is fairly generous to the children of its members, especially the ones who don't show themselves prominently, such as Akemi Miyano, just make sure they don't leave the organization.

But for children without parents like them, they can have as many as they want, and it is enough to have a bite to eat, and they will not starve to death. In the eyes of the organization, it may have been a gift to not dispose of these drag bottles.

When they were a little older, and Orikasa couldn't remember whether they were four or five years old or five or six years old, they would be thrown away to train with children who were picked up by the organization from nowhere.

The training is based on elimination system. The instructor only said what kind of standard is met to stay, but did not say the consequences of being eliminated, but the children can also guess, it may not be a good result.

In fact, Orikasa wasn't very healthy when he was born. Even if he tried his best, he could only barely keep himself in the standard of not being eliminated.

But the number of talents the organization wanted was too small, and Orikasa could almost predict that in a few more rounds, he would definitely be eliminated.

It was at this time that the turnaround came. One time, when registering their data, the computer suddenly malfunctioned. At that time, the computer was still a rarity, and the person who was sent to see the children was not a powerful person in the organization. Loudly He attacked them and asked if any of them had secretly moved the computer and broke it.

Orikasa just picked up a computer-related book before. It was left by the instructor of their culture class. The instructor of the culture class only comes once a week. The book doesn't have to be returned in a hurry. I have read the book over and over again and I don't know how many times.

Although he didn't quite understand a lot of the content, he had memorized a lot of knowledge by rote memorization.

So Orikasa raised his hand timidly and said that he might be able to solve this problem. He had already overheard the instructor discussing his elimination, and this might be the last chance he could seize.

The instructor who looked after them was vicious and looked at him sideways: "You? I think you broke the computer."

The instructor who taught them the culture class just arrived. He remembered the matter of Orikasa returning the book before, and said, "Let him try it."

In fact, the fault is really simple, and it happened to be mentioned in the book. Orikasa tried his best to think about it, but he stumbled and followed the instructions and successfully solved the problem.

The instructor who taught the culture class asked a few more related questions, which were not too difficult, and Orikasa basically answered them, so the instructor said: "This child may have some talent in computers, I will report it to see if there is any No nurturing value."

So Orikasa knew that he had seized this opportunity.

After that, things will be easier. Orikasa doesn't need to train with the original children. He can sit in the classroom with bright windows and clean with other children. Maybe God has supplemented his lack of physical strength to his brain power, or maybe He was really talented in computers. Among the children who attended the class together, Orikasa performed the best, so he was kept as a reserve talent, and the instructor he selected became his guardian.

Afterwards, the entrance examination was normal all the way to the outside world (although I skipped a few levels in the middle), and in the organization, I took classes to receive training, and slowly began to handle tasks and obtain code names.

Orikasa's guardian died unexpectedly in the middle of his mission when he was in junior high school, which is not a rare thing in the organization.

But he has become more withdrawn since then. However, he didn't get along well with the classmates in the class, and he seldom communicated with people in the organization, and no one noticed whether he was lonely or not.

Afterwards, he failed to get an APP, go to school, do tasks, and try to interfere with the original plot, until he rescued Hagihara and then Matsuda.

In the dull and boring daily life of training, studying, and doing tasks, malt wine did bring a different color to Orikasa's life.

Although it added a touch of black to his gray life, for Oorikasa at the time, it was indeed the first time he faced the malice of others.

Orikasa shook his head, why did he think so much, what he should think about now is whether to choose himself or the malt bar for the next three choices.

