MTL - Iā€™m Real Wine - C.56Mar 07, 2023

MTL - Iā€™m Real Wine

C.56Mar 07, 2023

Orikasa didn't stay in the Kuroba Kaito's house for too long, and it didn't take long for Nakamori Aoko to knock on the door of the Kuroba Kaito's house. She is a natural type, and seeing Orikasa is not only surprising why Orikasa appeared. In the Kuaidou family, they even warmly invited Orikasa to eat at her house, the reason being that there was already a Kuaidou who was eating the meal anyway, and another one would not be too much.

Orikasa declined Nakamori Aoko's invitation. He had seen strong vigilance in Kuroba Kuito's eyes. It seemed that Mr. Kaito didn't want his little Ome to know about this. He already knew what he wanted to know anyway.

Inferring the truth from clues is a detective's job, not Orikasa's specialty. However, searching for traces on the Internet hit Orikasa's major. The police academy recruited not many policewomen. Coupled with the missing qualifier, Orikasa quickly found a possible candidateā€”a girl named Mizuno Natsu.

In the photo of entering the school, the girl has short ear-length hair and hugs the neck of the girl next to her. She smiles brightly and sunny, and she can't see the appearance of liqueur now.

Orikasa downloaded the photo and sent it to Kuroba Kaito along with the previous photo.

怐Are these two the same person? 怑

Kuroba Kaito was shopping with his little green plum at the time. Because of the White Horse Detective, the Metropolitan Police Department is now staring at Kidd very hard. Anyway, he is not the protagonist of Juvenile Manga who needs to check in every week, so he simply relaxes some work.

Nakamori Qingzi pouted and complained: "Kaito is really, always mysterious, I really don't know where you got so many secrets."

Kuroba Kaito smiled slightly embarrassedly: "It's just a message from Orikasa-sensei, he seems to have something left at my house."

Qingzi was very simple, she believed whatever she said, and became anxious when she heard the words: "Is it a very important thing? Let's not go shopping for now, let's return the things to Mr. Orikasa."

"I'm not in such a hurry..." Kuroba Kaito opened the photo. Really, after knowing his identity, the only person who used him as a tool was Orikasa-sensei. Was it a tacit understanding of the criminals?

What is it to always compare photos, and the results are not necessarily accurate. Many girls play with ps more than the other, and whether the photos and their looks match up is another question.

Kuroba Kuito was full of complaints but still faced each other honestly. After a while, he replied to Orikasa, "There are many similarities."

The constraints are too great, and that's all he can do. However, the difference between these two photos is too big. It is exactly the feeling of two people. How much suffering has to be experienced to change from the first photo to the second one.

Orikasa didn't say anything more after receiving the reply. He had already confirmed a general idea, and now he basically confirmed his guess.

But, what's the use of confirming this? Confront the liqueur, or tell Scotland?

He was also curious about the mental journey from red to black and then to red.

Orikasa didn't struggle with this issue for too long, after all, the psychological shadow that liqueur left him at the beginning was too great. Although I know that she has changed now, she will still not be able to recover for a while.

Orikasa packaged the information he found and sent it to Zhu Fu Jingguang. Of course, as for the identification of the appearance, the identity of Kuroba Kuito is hidden, and it is only said that he has found an expert to see it.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was in a mixed mood when he received this information. He knew that the winery had a lot of fake wine. But he didn't expect that there are so many fake wines in the winery, and even the liqueur that he reported to the police video hall is actually fake wine?

Jiang Guling happened to be beside Zhufu Jingguang, and he looked curious and came over: "Jing, what's wrong?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang took a deep breath: "Zero, what if I said I found another bottle of fake wine?"

Jiang Guling smiled and said, "Jing, are you trying to get a job with Jinjiu?" However, after a while, he realized that Zhufu Jingguang was not joking, and immediately became serious, "Jing, are you serious?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded: "The information that Yamazaki just sent."

Jiang Gu Ling quickly browsed the information and became silent. They had heard about the accidental disappearance of senior sister. The instructor Onizuka also taught them a few lessons from this incident, so that they should not be too lawless, and donā€™t think they have become The police wouldn't have an accident, but I didn't expect the missing senior to be here.

He nodded to Zhu Fu Jingguang: "I will check again."

The topic of liqueur was a bit heavy, and the two of them tacitly did not mention it again. Jiang Guling looked at Zhu Fu Jingguang: "Someone is coming over recently."

Jing Guang frowned: "There are too many code-named members here. Who are the people who are coming?"

"Ale malt liquor, it didn't take long to get the code name. But it is very valued by Rum. He acts very cruelly and takes pleasure in torture/killing. His method is that there are many people in the organization that are not used to it." Jiang Gu said.

"Ale? I don't seem to have any impression of him." Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned and pondered.

"It's normal to have no impression. His reputation is really bad, and his popularity in the organization is so bad that few people should mention him.

I even heard that a few peripheral members who had responded to him were directly frightened by him. If it weren't for him being really loyal to the organization and really capable, this kind of person organization wouldn't stay for long. "

"Zero, you suddenly mentioned so much news about malt wine, shouldn't you..."

Zero Valley nodded: "Rum sent him over to take over my job to investigate Kudo Shinichi, but don't worry too much for the time being, there are people here who are more interested in malt wine."

Falling Valley Zero pointed to Zhu Fu Jingguang's computer: "Yamazaki."

He explained: "I don't know what kind of irritating Ale has been through, and it's very hostile to the civilian staff in the organization, and more than once has expressed the view that the civilian staff are all rubbish.

And he seems to have some entanglements with Yamazaki. I think he is willing to come here because Yamazaki is here. After all, our mission here can't satisfy his desire to torture/kill. "

In the end, Jiang Gu Ling was not too familiar with Orikasa, and his tone was not too worried, and there was even a hint of schadenfreude watching a good show, but Zhu Fu Jingguang couldn't just sit back and watch, he sent a message to Orikasa: "You Do you know ale?"

Orikasa was still battling with comics at that time, and was stunned for a moment when he received the news of Zhu Fu Jingguang. Who is the malt wine, and does it have anything to do with the liqueur?

But aren't liqueur's parents all dead? It can't be her boyfriend, and looking at liqueur's behavior doesn't look like she has a boyfriend.

So he hesitated for a while and replied [What? 怑past.

Orikasa knew only a limited number of people in the organization. For him, the time when the organization had the most contact with people was when he was a child, and it was time for a hundred people to do elimination training together.

Really, apart from the guardian when I was young, the only members of the organization who have more contact with me are Boss, Gin and Scotland.

So it's normal that no one has mentioned to Orikasa that there is a person called ale who is very hostile to you.

What's more, Orikasa originally belonged to the R&D department. If it weren't for the fact that computer technology could help the executive department clean up, in most cases, he would not actually have contact with many executive department personnel.

Zhufu Jingguang looked at Orikasa's reply: "Yamazaki doesn't seem to know anything about malt liquor."

Gu Ling shrugged: "If you don't know, you don't know."

After a pause, he asked again, "Do you want to tell Hagihara and Matsuda?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang hesitated for a while, but still shook his head: "It's better not to, I don't want to involve them, and Yamazaki probably doesn't want to."

"It's up to you." Lei Gugu turned to another topic, "The organization has been very tight recently. Jing said earlier that Akai Shuichi had approached you. I think the FBI may have already started to prepare for it."

He gritted his teeth: "It's obviously a matter of our country, but they are a step ahead of them. I think liqueur and Yamazaki will be a breakthrough, what do you think?"

"I met her with Liqueur a long time ago. She was not like this at that time, Yamazaki... I can't tell, but I think it would be more useful for him to come forward with Hagihara and Matsuda."

Falling Valley Zero nodded: "Then let's do this first, I'll test the liqueur first, Yamazaki... Let's talk about it."

"Zero," Zhu Fu Jingguang hesitated and shouted, "I think liqueur may have already contacted FBI. I have been thinking about the source of Akai for a long time, and it is very likely that it comes from liqueur."

"He was actually one step ahead of him."

Orikasa doesn't know anything about what's going on here in Scotland. He is thinking about comics while holding his mobile phone. The three liqueur selections have come to an end temporarily with the resignation of liqueurs. According to the development, the new three selections are almost complete. It's time to show up.

The original main line has been developed beyond recognition. Who will be the next one of the three characters that will appear? Scotland? Bourbon? Or yourself?

Sure enough, it's more likely to be myself. After all, although the identities of Scotland and Bourbon are not necessarily clear, audiences who read comics can't be more clear. It is really unreadable to choose them as one of three. .

But if it's me, I'm bound to have something to do with the organization in the future. Even if I want to hide, there will be all kinds of coincidences that I will encounter.

Another question is, who will be the one-of-three candidate? It can't be yourself, Scotland and Bourbon, that's too boring, or is there a new character coming out?

Thinking of what Zhu Fu Jingguang asked him about malt wine, will the new character be malt wine?

A liqueur is enough to make him troubled, Origami pursed his lips, and had a rare empathy with the audience. Why can't you red-faced figures sit down and talk honestly and honestly, if you had earlier Sit down and talk about the winery, I am afraid that the winery has closed down long ago, how can I wait for the debut of these new characters.

