MTL - I’m Real Wine - C.50Mar 07, 2023

MTL - I’m Real Wine

C.50Mar 07, 2023

When Orikasa woke up, his consciousness was still a little hazy. He opened his eyes in a daze, and there was a person lying on the bed with him. From his perspective, he couldn't tell who it was.

Orikasa struggled twice, trying to reach for the water glass beside the bed.

Zhufu Jingguang was awakened by this movement, and he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, "You are awake." He handed the water glass to Orikasa, "Hagihara and Matsuda stayed overnight, and they just left soon."

Orikasa woke up from a coma, and his mind was still stunned. He couldn't tell the current situation for a while, and in a trance, he thought that he had returned to the time after the explosion a while ago.

Zhu Fu Jingguang said straight to the point: "Which side are you from, Yamazaki?"

It has been a long time since Zhufu Jingguang called him Orikasa. At the beginning, Orikasa tried to correct him and let him call Yamazaki when no one was there. After a long time, he was too lazy to correct him.

He was shocked and woke up: "I didn't listen to what you said, I understand."

"You understand." Zhu Fu Jingguang affirmed.

Yui Orikasa said other things: "After your mission, what happened, it's too late."

"Didn't you guess? I sent the scorpion to the police station." This is half-truth, and it was true when he sent it to the police station, but he didn't deliver it himself. If it was by himself, he would never meet Shuichi Akai.

"You..." Orikasa Yuyoshi opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Is there anyone here?" The little girl asked a little hesitantly.

"Please come in." Zhu Fujingguang said, "Who are you looking for?"

The quiet ward suddenly became noisy as the children broke in. "This is where the treasure that Conan solved." This was Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko's voice.

"Where, where?" It was Kojima Yuanta who was anxiously looking for the treasure.

"Mita Yuan and Mitsuhiko, please keep your voice down, don't disturb my brother's rest." Ayumi advised.

In fact, the presence of you here is already very disturbing...

However, the appearance of several of them just interrupted Scotland's questioning. From this point of view, it can be regarded as timely rain.

"Teacher Orikasa and Mr. Midorikawa?" Conan didn't expect these two people to be in the ward, "Is Mr. Orikasa ill?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang replied for Zhe Li: "Some accidents happened."

"What do you mean..." Conan wanted to continue to ask, but was interrupted.

"Ah, I'm sorry, the children are playing, I didn't expect to disturb you." The blond and dark-skinned youth walked in, bent over and apologized, with just the right look of surprise on his face, "Midorikawa and Orikasa? We have to Haven't seen each other in years, what a coincidence."

Conan turned around in surprise: "Mr. Amuro, Mr. Midorikawa and Mr. Orikasa know each other?"

"Are you guys actually working as teachers now?" Toru Amuro, or Rei Furugu crouched down, his eyes were level with Conan's, "I've known Midorikawa and Orikasa a long time ago, when I was still in school. Yes, after all, I work a lot." He rubbed Conan's head, "Just like when I met you."

Who did you learn this ability to tell lies without blinking your eyes, Hagihara? Orikasa complained in his heart, how could the intelligence officers not be able to investigate where he lived? You came here on purpose.

Yuan Tai has already turned around the ward: "Where is the treasure? Where is the treasure?"

Amuro smiled: "I didn't say that your answer is correct, the treasure I put is not here."

"Hey, even Conan's reasoning is wrong?" Ayumi was obviously lost.

Of course, Conan's reasoning is not wrong, just because there are two answers, one is this ward, just to find a reasonable excuse for himself to come here, and the other is the place to put gifts for children.

"I'm going to pour some water for you." Zhu Fujingguang said, he turned his head and said to the children, "Aren't you looking for treasure? Do you want to look for it in other parts of the hospital? But be careful not to disturb It's time for others to rest."

So the children excitedly followed Zhu Fu Jingguang out of the ward.

It's a pity that the opportunity Zhu Fu Jingguang took pains to create to be alone with Orikasa didn't come in handy. As soon as he and the juvenile detective team left, Date Hang came to the ward on the back.

Orikasa sighed silently, is this a vegetable market? You two come to the market one by two...

"Yo, Oorikasa, I heard from Hagihara that you were injured. How are you? It happened that I came here today to see an injured colleague. I thought you were here, so I stopped by to have a look." Date Hang's voice Not too small.

The policewoman who followed Ida bowed slightly, and Orikasa was shocked. Liqueur? Was she transferred to a search class? How did the organization approve it?

Liqueur's personality seems to have changed a lot since she met Belmod, and she has applied for a transfer with the organization, but Orikasa has never taken these things to heart.

For him, as long as liqueur doesn't come to harass him, it's good, and naturally he won't know where the other party has been transferred.

Speaking of which, he has indeed not seen liqueur for a long time, and he always feels that something has changed in the other party. Is it an illusion?

And what Liqueur had asked him about Tennessee inexplicably earlier...

Idahang didn't expect to see him here, the same period who disappeared for a long time. Didn't Zhufu say before that he would not come back after going abroad for a long time?

However, he reacted very quickly after experiencing the events of Zhufu, pretending not to know Jianggu Ling, holding Likoujiu's shoulder, and introducing to Orikasa: "This is the newly transferred police officer Xiaoqi from our class. I'll bring it."

As he said that, he turned his eyes to the direction of the valley zero, and there was confusion in his eyes, "Who is this?"

Here again, everyone knows everyone but insists on acting like they don't know each other...

Jiang Gu Ling has the qualities of a professional undercover agent and smiled: "My name is Toru Amuro. I am working in Poirot Cafe. Today I brought the children out to play and came here by accident. I'm sorry to disturb you."

He hadn't seen liqueur, so he didn't show anything unusual about the existence of liqueur. Instead, liqueur suddenly told Date Hang that he had forgotten to take it, and he had to apologize first.

Idahang waved his hand indifferently and told her to leave first.

So Liqueur bowed slightly to express his apology, and just opened the door of the ward, but was hit by a little **** the leg.

"Oops." Ayumi exclaimed.

Liqueur squatted down: "Where did it fall? Is there anything wrong?"

Ayumi shook her head: "Ayumi is fine." She apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run too hastily."

Liqueur smiled softly: "It doesn't matter, I should pay attention before opening the door." She rubbed Ayumi's head, "Okay, let's play, my sister has to go first."

Zhu Fu Jingguang hid in the corner as soon as he heard the woman's voice, and only came out when he could only see the back of the person. If he remembered correctly, the voice was the one called... liqueur.

It was her who was called to the bar by Yamazaki inexplicably back then. The impression was so deep that I still remember it clearly to this day.

However, it seems normal for Yamazaki to look at liqueur? Back then, liqueurs had a lot of interest in Yamazaki.

Zhu Fu Jingguang returned to the ward with a cup of water, and asked as if he didn't care, "A lady just came out of here? I seem to have just missed it."

Ayumi raised her hand and said, "It's a very beautiful big sister." She held her face, "The voice is also very nice, and the character is also very gentle, just like Sister Xiaolan!" Ayumi concluded.

Date Air scratched his head: "I brought it here. It's a junior who has just been transferred recently. I will bring it here for the time being, but it is a junior, and his work ability is actually very strong. I heard that I came here from the network security countermeasures headquarters. Ah, I accidentally said too much."

Mainly because the person who asked was Zhufu, so he subconsciously explained a lot.

Jing Guang shook his head: "That's really a coincidence that I missed it."

Bumei tugged at Gu Ling's sleeve: "Mr. Amuro, shall we continue to look for treasures?"

Amuro Toru squatted down: "Then..."

Zhufu Jingguang said first: "Are you leaving so soon? I thought I could take this opportunity to catch up."

He turned his head to the juvenile detective team and said, "I just saw that Dr. A Li's car is downstairs. Is it okay for the doctor to take you to play? I want to talk to your brother Amuro."

Ayumi frowned and thought for a moment: "Well then."

Date Hang also said: "I just stopped by to have a look. I can feel relieved when I see that you are all right. I still have work later, then I will go first."

So Orikasa watched them come and go one after another, leaving only him, Scotland, and Bourbon in the ward.

Perhaps the more nervous you are, the easier it is to get distracted. Even in her current state, Orikasa still has the heart to think. Fortunately, Haibara Ai didn't come here today.

Otherwise, four bottles of real and fake wine will get together, and I don't know what her ptsd will look like. Then he suddenly realized that Haibara Ai didn't come because her ptsd had already committed a crime against Bourbon.

"Is it Likou Bar?" Zhu Fu Jingguang suddenly said without a head or tail.

"What?" Neither Orikasa nor Kyogu Zero responded.

"It was Likou Bar that you made excuses to transfer and leave?" Jing Guang said.

Akai Shuichi didn't tell him how the news came, nor who the undercover organization in the Metropolitan Police Department was.

However, considering that the liqueur introduced by the squad leader was recently transferred from the network security countermeasures headquarters, and that three years ago, Yamazaki inexplicably asked himself to meet Liqueur instead of him, it is not difficult to speculate.

It was not long before Jiang Gu Ling returned to Japan, and he didn't have time to communicate with Zhu Fu Jingguang about any news, so he was a little confused about the scene in front of him.

Orikasa was silent.

"It looks like it's her." Zhu Fu Jingguang continued, "So you really know my identity."

Jiang Gu was startled, and turned to look at Zhu Fu Jingguang in disapproval.

"Looks like what Ley said is true."

"Rye?" It wasn't just Orikasa who asked the question, but also Yugu.

Although he has not experienced the accident of the death of the young tamer in the line of duty, but Yuya Rei and Akai Shuichi still have nowhere to deal with. In the few years in the United States, he has been conscientiously committed to blocking the other party, and accordingly, what he said from the other party's mouth, He has always felt that authenticity must at least be viewed in half.

After all, apart from their former identities as undercover agents, they originally belonged to two different organizations with different camps.

"It's not just what he told me, I've had doubts for a long time myself. Even if he doesn't say it, I'll ask sooner or later. You probably felt it recently, right?"

Zhufu Jingguang continued, "So, Yamazaki, which side are you from?"

Orikasa was silent, who was he from? He couldn't tell the difference himself.

If it wasn't for the manga, if it wasn't for Hagihara and Matsuda, if it wasn't for saving Scotland, maybe he would have worked hard for the winery until his death.

In fact, judging from the available information, he would have done the same, and if all this had not happened, he would have died under the gun in Tennessee three years ago, as a member of the organization.

But until now, he couldn't tell the difference.

After a long silence, Orikasa said, "Black cat."


"My code name is on the side of the Metropolitan Police Department, assisting people." Orikasa seemed to suddenly relax and leaned against the bedside, "You can go check it out."

Since you can't tell your own faction, I'll leave it to you to tell the difference. The identities of the red and black sides have been told to you. Which one will you believe?

