MTL - I’m Real Wine - C.40Mar 07, 2023

MTL - I’m Real Wine

C.40Mar 07, 2023

Orikasa and Conan were assigned to the same ward, and Conan was not very obedient as a primary school student.

For example, at this moment, Doctor Mingming explained that they should rest well, but he didn't know where they went.

Maybe to stare at Scotland.

If Scotland's identity is discovered by the protagonist group, it is not a big deal. Orikasa didn't take this matter to heart, but Conan's absence in the ward provided him a lot of convenience. For example, at this moment, he can open the comic APP with peace of mind.

The comics are updated very fast. Obviously, it happened today, and the comics have already kept up with the update.

There are always unusually many comments on the chapters where Matsuda and Hagihara appear. Perhaps it is the relationship between the early death and Bai Yueguang in this chapter, and the audience vented almost all their uneasy feelings into "New Chapter".

The point of view of the story is not from Orikasa, but from the boy detective team.

Didan Elementary School arranged art assignments and asked the children to draw a homework related to architecture. Yuan Tai wanted to paint his own store, Ayumi wanted to paint Poirot Cafe, and Mitsuhiko was not satisfied with several buildings he chose, and was worried. The ground didn't move.

So Suzuki Sonoko mentioned that his father's friend had built a new building, which could allow the children to visit and find inspiration. The other members of the Detective Boys were in high spirits, but Conan and Xiaoai had no choice but to follow.

Is that why we met in that building? Sure enough, the world will always arrange various coincidences for the development of the plot. Orikasa Yuyoshi continued to look down.

Haibara Ai had a strong reaction almost as soon as she stepped into the building. She was pale and trembling all over. Conan noticed her abnormality and quietly covered her with his body, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter with you, is there..."

Huiyuan Ai nodded and replied in a low voice: "That's right, there are definitely organized people nearby, their crow-like aura, I will definitely not feel wrong!"

Forced to follow Xiaolan and Conan for a while, Huiyuan's abnormal reaction still failed to hide from the other members of the juvenile detective team. After learning that Haiyuan was unwell, several people put down their homework and insisted on sending Haiyuan back. Family.

Xiaolan and the others stayed to greet them because they saw Hagihara and Matsuda.

The manga didn't include Orikasa's question about the escape route to Matsuda, only Matsuda's introduction to the building.

The moment when the barrage appeared in Matsuda and Hagihara, the number surged.

【It's Hagihara and Matsuda again! 】

[Hagihara and Matsuda are so miserable, I’m afraid I’ll have to work overtime again when I meet Xiao Ke when I finally go shopping.]

[But they will work more overtime. I wish they could add 3650 days of work 365 days a year]

[Upstairs, Ke Xue Universe is true, you understand it by playing, but another little brother has been playing a lot recently. And it's almost bound to the police academy team, but it doesn't look like a mainline character, is it a daily role? 】

[Wow, it's a cute cat]

[Teacher Didan, the probability of feeling related to the main line will be higher.]

[At present, his background seems to be very mysterious. Apart from knowing that he knew the police academy team and learned bomb disposal from Matsuda, there seems to be no information about him.]

[This is also normal, the information of the newly appeared characters always have to be released bit by bit]

After a few pages, Conan collided with Zhu Fu Jingguang. Orikasa looked at the content of the comics. Did Conan actually install a bug in Scotland? Did he target Scotland because of what he found in the bug?

[Good guy, Xiao Ke, you are too fake when you touch porcelain]

[Jingguang is so cool dressed up like this, I can't tell how cute the cat looks]

[Speaking of Jingguang carrying a musical instrument box behind his back, is it a sniper rifle?]

[No wonder Xiao Ai has such a big reaction, it turns out to be because of you - Jing·Fake Wine·Light]

Conan hurriedly bumped into Zhufu Jingguang, and ran away in a hurry, and then there was the scene where Sonoko and a few of them introduced the building and took them to the special elevator.

The manga also specially gave Hagihara and Matsuda a close-up, indicating that they also noticed the strangely dressed Zhufu Jingguang.

Next is what Orikasa has experienced, explosion, threat, door opening, fire, escape.

The comics seem to have resolutely portrayed him in a harmless way, and all the pictures of communicating with liqueur and Belmod were wiped clean. Occasionally, a few pictures of looking at the phone were all used as background boards.

Orikasa had experienced everything in the middle, so it was nothing unusual. But in the middle of the comic, Conan was given several pictures of observing the musical instrument bag that Zhu Fu Jingguang was carrying. And since reaching the rooftop, Conan has fallen into a state of contemplation.

The barrage has exploded at this time.

[What's the situation, has Xiao Ke discovered Jing Guang's identity? 】

[And in the case three years ago, Shinichi also pointed out that Jingguang had a gun on his hand]

[In addition to this, Jingguang also inquired about Kudo Shinichi from Xiao Ke, so he was full of doubts]

[The main Jingguang probably didn't expect to meet a few of them when he came out to perform the mission. When Xiaoke touched the porcelain, Jingguang looked surprised.]

[Curious, when will Xiao Ke discover Jing Guang's undercover identity]

[Don't you think Matsuda and Hagihara have a tacit understanding of max]

[It's rare to see the retractable strap in the daily chapter, I feel that this thing seems to appear more in the theater version]

[Dr. Li, mastering the core technology]

Contrary to Hiroyoshi Orikasa's expectations, in addition to the explosion incident in the manga, he actually turned his perspective to Belmod at the end.

Belmod's face was completely exposed, while the figure of liqueur was hidden in the dark, only the slight trembling of her hands concealed her inner restlessness.

Belmod took a lady's cigarette and breathed out a smoke ring casually: "How is it you?"

Liqueur didn't know what to reply, Belmode leaned down: "Let me think about it, your code name is... Liqueur Bar? It's a sweet code name, I hope you don't do any little tricks behind your back."

The liqueur shivered even more.

"I'll go find him myself, as for you—" Belmod straightened up, "I haven't figured out what to do with it."

【Sister Bei! 】

【Sister Bei is good A】

[Does anyone have an analysis of what's going on here? Distillery fighting? 】

[Sister Bei is worthy of being the first person in the nest, and she was in conflict with the people in the organization as soon as she appeared on the stage]

[In the previous chapters, it seems that the person who went to pick up Sister Bei is this liqueur.]

[The face of this liqueur is not exposed, it should be the next three to choose one.]

[However, I feel that the liqueur is not very good, the momentum is completely suppressed by Sister Bei]

[Why do you all say that it's Sister Pei's nest, isn't Sister Pei warning about this liqueur? If you want a nest, it should be a liqueur bar? 】

[The next step will not be Xiao Ke thinking that Jingguang is a liqueur bar, such a sweet wine name...]

[Don't you think the sweet wine name also matches the scenery? 】

There is no more useful information in the next, so Orikasa Yuyoshi closed the APP, and the news of Jinjiu came.

[You asked liqueur to pick up Belmode? 】

It was just a simple question, but Orikasa Yuyoshi read the questioning tone for some reason.

[I'm stuck with the explosion, stopgap. 】

[I don't want to make such an assertive thing again. 】

Orikasa Yuyoshi believed that if he was standing in front of Gin at this moment, Bo/Lai/Ta's muzzle would definitely have reached his temple. But it's just a change of person, as for such a big fight?

There is also the reaction of the liqueur in the comics, which is also very interesting. She and Belmod should obviously only meet for the first time.

And why would Belmode warn liqueurs against little tricks? As the organization's undercover agent in the Metropolitan Police Department, there should be no doubt about Liqueur's loyalty to the organization.

And... Thinking about what Belmod said at the end of the manga to come to find him, Orikasa Yuyoshi was worried again, but in the end, he still couldn't escape the meeting with Belmod.

Orikasa was in deep thought when the door was knocked twice, the young doctor holding the medical record smiled: "Hello, ward round."

He walked to Orikasa's hospital bed and checked the bandage on Orikasa's hand: "Is there any discomfort?"

"Belmode." Orikasa Yuyoshi said.

"How did you guess it was mine?" Belmod stopped hiding and returned to his original voice.

"Perfume smell." Although it is very light, in the hospital filled with the smell of disinfectant, a little perfume smell is particularly prominent.

"I also sprayed disinfectant on my body to cover up the smell of the perfume," Belmod casually fiddled with the bouquet on the head of Orikasa's bed. "It really happened, I thought you were fooling the gin."

"What are you doing here?" Orikasa Yuyoshi asked.

"Of course I came here to hand over. Who asked you to make an assertion and let Liqueur come to pick me up, I can only come and run." Belmod took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and threw it to Orikasa, "Itakura The last thing left, it took a lot of effort to find it."

Orikasa Yuyoshi took over the USB flash drive, and he doesn't plan to look at the contents in the future, software or something, he is enough by himself. He tilted his head and glanced at Belmod: "Aren't you going to leave? It's interesting to be a doctor?"

Belmod took out a flower from the vase and said with a smile, "It's really interesting."

Her gaze slid across the other bed. The nameplate at the head of the bed had Conan Edogawa's name written on it. She asked casually, "Where are the people in your ward?"

Sure enough, you still can't help but care about Conan? Thinking of the audience's name for Belmod's Conan's "godmother", Orikasa secretly made a clever move in his heart, which was too nauseous for the organizers.

He pursed his lips and pretended not to know the relationship between Conan and Belmod: "He is a primary school student and likes to run around."

After speaking, Orikasa suddenly realized that something was wrong. Conan knew that he knew the identity of Kudo Shinichi. If one day Conan accidentally exposes it to Belmod...

Forget it, there are not many opportunities for Conan to directly confront Belmod, where can he reveal his identity so cleverly.

Speaking of which, as a member of the organization, but being in such close contact with the protagonist group, he was already dancing on the tip of a knife. If one day it is really exposed, he probably brought it on himself.

Belmod still had no plans to leave, and Orikasa could only find a topic by himself: "You came back suddenly, what are you doing?"

Belmod put her index finger on her lips and smiled slightly: "Don't ask more, this is a woman's secret." She uttered the famous line, "Asecretmakesawomanwoman."

Yuyoshi Orikasa is silent, it's probably convincing to take off the disguise of a male doctor on you...

However, he really hated mystics.

Belmod put the flowers in his pocket: "I heard Bourbon describe before, I thought you were a tough person, but now it seems okay."

She picked up the medical record book and turned to leave: "Take good care of your hands. Your hands are also important assets for the organization."


He was suddenly curious about how Bourbon described him in front of Belmod.

At this moment, someone on the other side of the ocean suddenly sneezed. If Belmod has already gone back, he'd better find a reason to go back as soon as possible. A long time has passed since the incident of Shuichi Akai, and the storm has basically subsided.

It's just... I have to find a way to get rid of this group of FBI who are chasing after him.

