MTL - I’m Real Wine - C.34Mar 07, 2023

MTL - I’m Real Wine

C.34Mar 07, 2023

When Matsuda and Hagihara arrived at the Poirot store, Orikasa ordered a strawberry milkshake and chose a seat by the window.

"Please give me a cup of iced coffee, thank you." Conan raised his hand.

Orikasa frowned: "Children, drink less, coffee."

Saying that, he exchanged his untouched strawberry milkshake for Conan, and he took Conan's coffee.

Conan took a sip of the milkshake in a depressed voice, and whispered, "The teacher clearly knows my identity."

"But now, you are just a child." Orikasa also emphasized in a low voice.

He tried a sip of coffee and was so bitter that he stuck his tongue out. Suddenly looking at Conan's eyes with some admiration, how did he drink such a bitter thing? Children's sense of taste should be more sensitive.

He couldn't get into the conversation between the female high school students, so he could only listen quietly by the side, and it didn't take long for Hagihara and Matsuda to finally appear at Poirot's door.

"I'm really lucky today, I didn't have to work too long." Hagihara stretched when he entered the store, "Miss Azusa, today is still a parent-child bowl, please."

Enomoto Azusa smiled and said, "Mr. Hagihara is really the same as before, is Mr. Matsuda still curry rice?"

Hagihara raised his voice slightly and asked Xiang Orikasa, "Is Oorikasa also a parent-child bowl?"

Orikasa Yuyoshi nodded.

Enomoto Azusa wrote down the dishes in the book and smiled, "You three brothers have a really good relationship, and their stubbornness towards dishes is exactly the same."

Matsuda noticed Conan next to Orikasa, and Banyueyan asked, "Isn't this the kid you picked up the other day?"

He felt that he probably couldn't forget that he had just opened the door of the apartment that day, and Orikasa lifted the child up and calmly told himself that he had picked up a child.

Xiaolan looked at Matsuda Jinping and felt very familiar. After thinking about it for a while, she remembered: "Ah, you are the police officer who came to our school to defuse bombs three years ago!"

Matsuda glanced at Xiaolan: "Oh, it's you, the kid who ran around with her boyfriend in the middle of the night, where is your boyfriend's detective kid?"

Xiao Lan quickly waved her hand: "I don't have that kind of relationship with Xinyi. He seems to be involved in a very difficult case now, and he hasn't appeared in school for a long time."

"It's a matter of course that such a rash brat will be troubled by trouble."

Although he was commenting on Kudo Shinichi's words, Matsuda's eyes fell on Orikasa, "Right, Orikasa?"

Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan with some doubts: "Lan, what happened to defuse bombs in our school, have bombs been planted in our school?"

It was only then that Xiao Ran realized that she had missed the point. She explained to Sonoko what happened three years ago. Hagihara came over from the front desk after finishing the order. With him in the middle, the conversation was barely harmonious.

Just when the three of Orikasa were about to finish their meal, two more figures appeared at Poirot's door. They were Kogoro and a woman with a beautiful face.

The alarm bell rang in Xiaolan's heart, and she didn't even drink any drinks. She walked behind Xiaogoro and said in a gloomy tone, "Dad, what are you doing?"

Xiaogoro answered confidently: "What are you thinking, Xiaolan, this is my client."

The lady gave Xiaolan a slight bow: "Hello, my name is Sunada Ayaka, because my cat is lost. So try to ask Maori detective to help me find my cat."

Xiaolan looked apologetic: "I'm very sorry."

He glared at Kogoro again and threatened, "Dad has to work hard." The word work was specially accented.

Since Kogoro's reputation has been greatly improved, he rarely accepts these requests to find cats and dogs. On the contrary, when the juvenile detective team encounters them, they will help to find them out of interest.

This time, he uncharacteristically accepted the request to find the cat, saying that he had no idea about Miss Sunada, and Xiaolan didn't believe it at all.

At this moment, Miss Sha Tian's cell phone rang, and Sha Tian had an apologetic expression on her face: "Sorry, I'll take a call first."

The other party might want to visit her house, only to hear Miss Sha Tian nodded: "My husband is at home, you can ask him to open the door for you."

The other party probably tried to call a few times, but still no one opened the door for him, so Sha Tian said again: "The door was unlocked when I came out, or you can go in directly, I will be home in about a while."

Just when Sha Tian was about to hang up the phone, a piercing scream suddenly came from the phone, and then Miss Sha Tian turned pale: "What did you say? Our house was robbed, and the murderer just ran away?"

Conan immediately became serious: "Miss Sunada, can you tell me what's going on?"

Hagihara and Matsuda could see from their expressions that something had happened, and walked out of the store: "What happened?"

Xiaolan briefly explained the matter, and Hagihara became serious: "Go to the scene of the crime as soon as possible, take my car."

After finishing speaking, he left with Matsuda, Maori and Sunada, and still remembered to tell Xiaolan: "Remember to call the police."

Hagihara acted so fast that even Conan, who had been rambling around because of his small size, couldn't get into the car successfully. He shook Xiaolan's hand: "Sister Xiaolan, aren't you worried about uncle, that's a burglary? , let's follow along."

"But..." Xiaolan was still hesitating.

Orikasa also came out: "Let's go and have a look."

Yuanzi also came out: "It's time for me to go home. If Xiaolan is worried, let's take a look."

So after Xiaolan apologized to Sonoko, she took a taxi and took Conan and Orikasa with them.

However, because Hagihara was driving too fast, they lost track several times at one point. Fortunately, Matsuda was willing to answer the phone, which allowed the three of them to arrive at the scene of the crime in time, although it was still much slower than Hagihara and the others.

Although Matsuda reported the location to Orikasa, his tone was still unpleasant: "This is the matter of the adults, what are you doing here?"

Orikasa sold Conan without hesitation. He picked up Conan from his armpit and held it in front of Matsuda: "He said he was worried about uncle."

"Your uncle?" Matsuda looked at Conan.

"It's me, the famous detective Mouri Kogoro." Mouri Kogoro proudly pointed to himself and came over.

"Mori Kogoro? Hagi, don't you think this name sounds familiar?" Matsuda Jinping tilted his head and asked Hagihara.

"It's definitely familiar, after all, I'm the famous detective Mouri Kogoro who often appears on TV." Mouri said.

Conan Banyueyan complained in his heart: It's not all cases that I solved...

"If I remember correctly, it seems that Instructor Onizuka said that there was a legendary senior who was a marksman genius before us, and he was called by this name, and it seems that he changed his career to become a detective later..."

Hagihara said that he was not quite sure. The two of them looked at Kogoro Mouri in silence. Does this person really look like a legend of the police academy?

Conan has already begun to observe the crime scene. Miss Sunada's husband fell on the floor of the Japanese room, next to a broken vase and fragments of the vase, which looked like a murder weapon.

The window of the Japanese room was wide open, and it seemed that the murderer escaped from here.

The man who called Miss Sunada was called Iwamoto Takuma. He was the first person who discovered the scene. At this moment, he was describing the situation to Hagihara.

According to Iwamoto, he and Ms. Sunada's husband Yuto Sunada made an appointment to go swimming together in the afternoon, but when the time came, he did not see Yuto Sunada and came to look for someone.

After he confirmed with Miss Sunada that the door was unlocked and could enter directly, he opened the door and heard the sound of something shattering and the sound of heavy objects falling. He hurried to the Japanese room and saw Mr. Sunada and Mr. Open windows.

"So you think it was the murderer who broke into the house, robbed and murdered, and was just knocked down by you and escaped?" asked Hagihara Kenji.

Iwamoto nodded: "Is there something wrong?"

There was always the faint sound of the TV in the room. But none of the TVs were on. Conan choked his throat and asked, "Well, it's so strange, why is there always the sound of TVs here? Obviously, none of the TVs at Miss Sanda's house are on."

Orikasa Banyue looked at Conan, your exaggerated acting skills have not yet been punctured, and it is estimated that it can only be explained by the protagonist's halo.

Another lady came downstairs: "Probably because of the poor soundproofing in this house. My TV is always on. What are you doing here?"

Miss Sunada introduced to the crowd: "This is Miss Taguchi Kazuo, our landlord, and my husband and I are renting Miss Taguchi's house."

Taguchi Kazuo Sunada Ayaka smiled slightly.

Kenji Hagihara asked, "It seems that there was a robbery at the Sunada's house not long ago. As a neighbor, do you have any clues that you can provide us?"

"A robbery case?" Taguchi Kazuo recalled, putting his index finger to his lips, "It seems that someone smashed something, but I thought it was the Sunada family who quarreled again. So I didn't take it to heart. When I heard the noise downstairs, I came down to have a look."

Conan keenly captured the key point in Dodaguchi's words: "Have another quarrel? Do Miss Sunada and Mr Sunada often quarrel?"

Yuyoshi Orikasa pulled Conan's sleeve. Not only Kogoro was present at the scene, but also Hagihara, a person with astonishingly keen observation, so calm down.

Only then did Conan notice that Hagihara seemed to have been staring at him for a while, and he scratched his head: "Ah, I just asked curiously, haha, just curious."

Matsuda Jinping took Conan aside: "The kid should stay where the kid should be. This is a real crime scene, not a place for you to play detective games."

He glanced at Zheli: "Zheli, you too."

"Really, one or two won't make you worry."

It doesn't matter to Orikasa Yuyoshi. He just came over to see the skills of the primary school student of death. Actually, there was a murder by his side. What should I say? Is your face familiar?

