MTL - I’m Real Wine - C.21Mar 07, 2023

MTL - I’m Real Wine

C.21Mar 07, 2023

The amusement park trip did not end smoothly in the end.

After getting off the merry-go-round, Orikasa Yuyoshi strongly condemned Matsuda and Hagihara's deception, and asked Hagihara and Matsuda to take a ride on the merry-go-round.

Hagihara and Matsuda went up and down in a circle, and received a lot of chats from single women and angry glances from men.

Although it was true that they also went to ride the merry-go-round, it always felt that there was no effect of revenge.

Then Matsuda and Hagihara proposed to play bumper cars again. Orikasa, who knew Hagihara's driving style, firmly rejected Matsuda and Hagihara this time. Then watched from the sidelines as the two drove the bumper car with sparks.

Orikasa Yuyoshi quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but fortunately, he refused Hagihara's invitation to go up, and drove the bumper car like this, which was not inferior to those exciting projects at all.

Then, on their way to the next project, they passed the central fountain. Coincidentally, on the hour, they were trapped in the middle of the fountain, or in the center of the two-story water curtain, and the head was poured all over. water.

Well, the fountain is very beautiful, so don't look at it again next time.

Matsuda and Hagihara reached a plan ahead of time to take the cat to buy clothes, and the trip to the amusement park could only be temporarily stopped because the three people's clothes were soaked.

"It's a pity, Oorikasa, I heard that there is a light show and a fireworks show here at night, so I missed it." Hagihara Kenji said.

"It's not a pity." Yui Orikasa tugged at the beige sweater he just put on. He only played a few projects in Dorobega, and it's already like this. If it's really night...

"Your brother suits this dress very well." The shopping guide helped Orikasa straighten the puppy bear in her back pocket, "This dress looks cute and energetic."

Neither Matsuda nor Hagihara denied the title of "younger brother", they nodded when they heard the words, "Then let's wrap this one too."

Orikasa Yuyoshi glanced at the neatly wrapped clothes next to him, "Too many, no more."

"Clothes can never be too much, and Oorikasa wears black all day, doesn't it feel monotonous? Occasionally change her clothes." Hagihara Ken Er said.

But now it's not the occasional change of clothes.

Orikasa Yuyoshi pointed to the clothes on Matsuda and Hagihara, they both took the same style to save trouble, "Yes, the same."

"Huh? This one? But this one doesn't suit Oorikasa." They were wearing clothes that Matsuda picked out at random, but they were casual suits for the convenience of work.

The shopping guide frowned and thought hard. There are clothes suitable for older brothers and clothes for younger brothers. But it's hard to find clothes that fit all three of them at the same time.

Matsuda and Hagihara looked at each other: "Hagi, do you remember the convenience store incident at our police academy?"

Hagihara Kenji's eyes lit up: "What did Xiaojinping mean?"

Matsuda Jinping nodded: "That's it."

Orikasa Yuyoshi did not realize the seriousness of the matter at this time, and he was pushed into the locker room by Matsuda.

Five minutes later, the three of them walked out of the locker room at the same time wearing floral shirts that could go to Hawaii in the next second.

Hiroyoshi Orikasa:  …

If I had known this was the result, I might as well choose the Sweater.

The shopping guide exclaimed, "Ah, it's you."

Hagihara Kenji looked over in surprise: "Have we met?" He should rarely forget the girl's words.

"When the convenience store was robbed, I was working there. Fortunately, with the help of the police officer, I was successfully rescued."

"Actually, the three gentlemen felt familiar when they entered the store. But I never remembered it. After I changed my clothes, I immediately remembered it," said the shopping guide.

Sure enough, the flower shirt is more memorable than the handsome face?

"Actually, I'm the acting store manager here. Since it's the police officer who rescued me before, I can get a 20% discount on this purchase. Are the other police officers okay? That blond-haired one..."

Hagihara Kenji interrupted her: "Thank you for the hospitality, Miss. I wonder if I have the honor to leave Miss's contact information?"

A blush quietly rose on the face of the shopping guide: "Yes, of course."

As a result, all the selected clothes were bought, and Yuyoshi Orikasa's protest was invalid.

It was still early when we went back, and Hagihara glanced at the time: "Since I came out to play, why not just eat outside and then go back?"

"Now, go back." Orikasa Yuyoshi said.

When they were in the store, they were probably worried that the shopping guide would give more information, so Hagihara and Matsuda quickly paid the bill and left.

In other words, they didn't change out of their eye-catching floral shirts at all. On the road, they are the focus of the crowd.

Although it was also the focus before, it was only a focus on outstanding people, and wearing sunglasses could be regarded as turning a blind eye. But now it must be regarded as a strange person.

"Well, Oorikasa is easily shy." Hagihara Kenji said.

Isn't your shame point too high?

Orikasa Yuyoshi seriously doubted that even if Matsuda and Hagihara were given a set of women's clothes, they would be able to wear them generously, and they might even complain about the size.

Seeing Orikasa who was about to fry if he continued to tease, Hagihara Kenji put on a helpless look: "Then go back."

I suddenly received an email from Jinjiu on my mobile phone [handle the monitoring].

Although they generally avoid monitoring during their operations, they will check the monitoring again after the end, just in case.

However, Jinjiu usually does this kind of thing by himself, or finds someone else like Bobon to do it, and rarely finds it on his head.

Sure enough, are you still dissatisfied with the rat in the organization? Or did he think he was too idle because he met him in Dorobica?

Anyway, if he hadn't met Gin in Dorobega today, this task would definitely not have been assigned to him.

So why did you get fooled into the amusement park? After a day of bad luck, I have an extra task for no reason. Orikasa Yuyoshi quietly added Dorobi to the blacklist in his heart.

But remembering the idea that came up on the merry-go-round, Orikasa Yuyoshi sent an email to Gin [The organization also has undercover agents in the Metropolitan Police Department, right? 】

Gin replied quickly [This is not your business. ] Even across the phone, it can make people feel that they will be pointed at the head in the next second.

[Don't get me wrong, I just have some things to cooperate with. 】

[Go and apply with BOSS. In addition, Scotland will be in Tokyo for a long time, and he needs a clear identity. 】

It means that if the BOSS agrees, he can give him the undercover list, he has something to do with Scotland recently, and he needs his help in disguising his identity. At the same time, it also confirmed the news that the whisky was about to be dismantled.

What is this?

Not only to help Zhu Fu Jingguang, who is the red side, in the organization to maintain the identity of the black side of Scotland, but also to help Scotland, who seems to be the black side, fabricate a white-washed identity.

Are you playing Russian nesting dolls?

I will make him a police officer named Zhu Fu Jingguang, do you want it?

