MTL - I’m Real Wine - C.16Mar 07, 2023

MTL - I’m Real Wine

C.16Mar 07, 2023

Yamazaki's identity is a problem that Kurtani Zero and Zhufu Jingguang have not yet been able to figure out.

In the gap between the pursuit of Lei, Furuya asked Kazama to check the identity of Yamazaki Akira, based on his acquaintance with Matsuda and Hagihara, and the information on the surname of "Orikasa".

The information is surprisingly easy to find.

The file registered with Yuyoshi Orikasa's name is clearly recorded in the archives, which records all the information from Yuyoshi Orikasa's adoption to the entrance to Dongda University. The trajectory of his life is clear and unbelievable.

In the news that came from Kazama, it was even mentioned that the Explosion Team had the idea of ​​winning over Yuyoshi Orikasa.

What are you kidding? To win over Yamazaki?

Isn't this giving members of the organization a chance to go undercover to the Metropolitan Police Department?

Because he was looking for an opportunity during the gap between the search for Rai, Rei Kawagu and Kazama didn't talk for a long time. He thought about what Kazama said at the end: The matter of the explosive team's attempt to win over Yuyoshi Orikasa is limited to the police department and Matsuda. The police officer knew that Orikasa himself might not yet know.

Gu Ling gritted his teeth, remembering what Jing had mentioned to him, Yamazaki chose the rare method of blowing up the stronghold in the last mission, and then contacted the two same period of the explosion group next to Yamazaki...

Isn't it obvious already?

Matsuda and Hagihara must also have plans to pull Yamazaki into the Metropolitan Police Department, otherwise why would they teach him to plant bombs when they have nothing to do?

However, I didn't expect those two guys to almost die, but that's right, they were in the explosion group with a high sacrifice rate, and the level of danger was not much lower than their undercover agents.

I just didn't expect Yamazaki to save them...

Furuya shook his head, no, you can't fall into the trap, maybe Yamazaki designed all this to sneak into the Metropolitan Police Department?

This could explain Gin's extraordinary trust in Yamazaki. But it can't explain the abnormality of Yamazaki in the previous mission.

And the bug that Jingguang placed on Yamazaki's body...

Jingguang could of course interpret it as Ley, who defected, put it on his clothes in advance, but Yamazaki didn't even ask a question...

Several days have passed, and it is impossible for Yamazaki not to find the bug.

In short, the deeper you look, the more puzzling Yamazaki's identity is.

As for the suspicion of Yamazaki's identity, Zero Valley did not tell Zhu Fu Jingguang.

As an intelligence officer himself, showing a little curiosity about Yamazaki is no big deal. But Scotland is positioned as an executive, and it should be a person who only obeys orders without asking too much.

And Scotland will continue to go undercover around Gin, and the attention to Yamazaki will only make Gin suspicious for him...

Whiskey had already confirmed that he was going to break up the gang, and Gin had ordered that after Rye was caught, Bourbon should go to the United States to continue his inquiries, and in fact kicked him to Belmod.

Therefore, Zero Valley wanted to take the last chance to find out Yamazaki's position as much as possible.

Yuyoshi Orikasa doesn't know anything about what Zero Valley has done. In other words, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

The bug had been leaked to Scotland and Bourbon on purpose. Although in the beginning, it was just to let them find out that they had a bad taste with their contemporaries.

Even if Bourbon confirms his identity, as long as there is no evidence, Bourbon can't do anything to him, and if he catches himself, he will only be shocked.

Belmod is much more high-profile than him in the United States. Isn't the FBI still unable to do anything about her?

What he is worried about now is another thing, the identity of Scotland is temporarily hidden from the gin side.

But his identity is still an indefinite time bomb that will be detonated at an unknown time.

As long as Scotland remains undercover, there is still a risk of detection.

What's more, the organization also has undercover agents in the Metropolitan Police Department. Once the undercover agents are promoted or transferred to positions with access to archives, their identity in Scotland will definitely be hidden.

Yuyoshi Orikasa habitually opened the ghost manga app again.

It's still a day without an update.

Since Hagihara and Matsuda were rescued, the app popped up an update window inexplicably and updated a small chapter of the manga that Matsuda Hagihara appeared in, "New Chapter" has never been updated again.

I don't know if it's because of the different flow of time in the two worlds, or some other reason.

The plan to use comics to judge the future direction has also failed.

After he concealed his identity in Scotland, the comics still haven't been updated. Does it mean that in these three years, Scotland will still have a crisis of identity exposure or accidental death?

Orikasa Yuyoshi turned over on the bed, and in such an unknown situation, he couldn't even save his life. Maybe even if he was destroyed by gin, Scotland would still be unable to escape the end of death.

So, Scotland, why did you save me in the first place?

Yuyoshi Orikasa opened his bedside table and took out the dead bug in the drawer. Enough information was exposed that day, and he didn't know where they found it.

Will they come to find themselves?

Probably not, if I accidentally bumped into Matsuda and Hagihara, it would be difficult to explain.

Hiroyoshi Orikasa tapped the back cover of the phone unconsciously with his fingers. The files in Scotland are really troublesome.

Hack into the system of the Metropolitan Police and delete the files in Scotland directly? But that would be too obvious.

If you can't move the file, you can only make up your mind on the transfer of personnel. But he didn't know the identity of the undercover organization in the Metropolitan Police Department, and he couldn't reach out to the Metropolitan Police Department, so the problem became a dead end again.

Yuyoshi Orikasa covered his head with a quilt and told Matsuda and Hagihara directly why each one of you could cause trouble during the same period.

Even if Bourbon stumbles him, Scotland is still in big trouble.

Oh, and there is another Date Air who will die in a car accident in the future.

Sure enough, when you first wanted to change the plot, you shouldn't have gone to the police academy team. Onizuka-sensei was right. When I met the five of them, I felt that my future was bleak.

This kind of thing, saving people, obviously has nothing to do with the winery staff, and even helps the undercover to hide their identity...

The phone rang suddenly, interrupting Orikasa Yuyoshi's thoughts.

It was Hagihara Kenji's phone number.

"Xiao Zhenping and I are already on our way back. We pass by the supermarket where milk is on sale. Do you need to bring some for Oorika?"

Orikasa Yuyoshi first nodded unconsciously, and after realizing that the other party was invisible, he said, "Okay."

"What flavor do you want? Pure milk? Strawberry milk? It seems that a new flavor of blue-flavored milk has been launched here." Hagihara Kenji asked.

They seemed to be in the supermarket already, and there were faint sounds of dragging shopping carts, conversations about picking products, and other noises on the phone, very life-like.

[Hey, Xiao Zhenping, what are you doing? Oorikasa doesn't drink banana milk, have you forgotten? 】

Matsuda Jin Pingzheng said sternly: "It's time for him to get rid of his bad habit of being picky eaters."

Orikasa Yuyoshi's heart seemed to settle down in an instant.

"Strawberry," he replied.

"Okay, is that strawberry milk?" Hagihara Kenji replied.

[Xiao Zhenping, please put the banana milk back. 】

[Is it okay if I don't bring him a drink? 】

The phone was hung up in the noise.

Orikasa Yuyoshi sighed, even for Hagihara and Matsuda, the identity of Scotland must continue to be concealed.

