MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts - C.99 Hypergravity space, special training plan!Mar 07, 2023

MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts

C.99 Hypergravity space, special training plan!Mar 07, 2023

Chapter 99 Hypergravity space, special training plan!

"What are you enjoying? College teachers are also participating in the training. Soul Saint disciples are too embarrassing!"

Shrek's teacher watched the whole play, but Tang Chen didn't plan to let them go.

Zao Wou-Ki actually has good potential, a very young soul sage powerhouse.

And Flanders has a golden triangle, and getting stronger can improve the overall strength.

Besides, since he has accepted an apprentice, Soul Saint is really a bit embarrassed.

In the future, if God's apprentice is a Contra, his face will be disgraced.

"Ah? Why do we want it too?"

Flanders were stunned, and the Shrek Academy was turned upside down.

Tang Chen instead became a teacher, but they were demoted to students.

"Ah shit, just a reminder!"

"During training, my clone will make a sneak attack at any time, and it won't stay."

"And I'll get soul beasts in, maybe just a thousand years, maybe a hundred thousand years, you can do it yourself!"

Tang Chen suddenly said indifferently, and then activated Huang Quan Ryohizaka.

The black space door swallowed everyone, and when he reacted, he appeared in a world made of countless metal blocks.

The terrifying gravity pressed down, and everyone fell to the ground.

"This is called hypergravity space, and different locations have different gravity."

"What we stand here is five times, permanent fixation will not change."

Tang Chen introduced slowly, everyone was lying on the ground, only he could stand proudly.

But he wasn't feeling well either. Gravity squeezed every part of his body in all directions. No one could stand it for the first time.

"Every day, you can receive six black sticks from me, and give them to the clone guarding this place to enter the fixed space to rest for an hour."

"The rest of the time, you must go outside to practice, otherwise you will be attacked by the clone with all your strength."

Tang Chen condensed a black stick and showed it in front of everyone.

"Six hours? That's not enough sleep."

Ning Rongrong was the first to complain, she couldn't hold it at five times the gravity, so she needed to open the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda to resist.

The level of physical fitness here can be distinguished directly with the naked eye.

For example, Zao Wou-Ki, who was in the assault department, was able to sit still.

His Gravity Increase Soul Skill originally had triple Gravity.

Five times is nothing.

But others are different, the stronger use of soul power can resist.

Weaknesses are hard to drive spirits, especially support spirit masters.

"Of course I'm not that harsh. There are six beast spirits, seven weapon spirits, eight auxiliary spirits, and nine food spirits."

"The Black Rod is the only currency here, spending one can buy a chart of changes in hypergravity space throughout the day."

"If you don't buy it, you may be crushed to death, after all, the highest gravity area"

Tang Chen didn't go on, just mention it a little.

"Food also needs to be purchased, and if you want to take a bath or something, you have to spend black sticks."

A few avatars get out of the way, there is a special shower equipment.

You can change clothes there

"Damn it, why don't you want money? Why do you feel like a black-hearted businessman."

Such a harsh training environment, even Tang San complained.

This might kill people

"No money to go to the toilet, the mobile toilet is on the edge of the safe zone."

"But don't be smart, there are clear times for big and small!"

Tang Chen pointed to the toilet, and what he said almost lost his popularity.

"No human rights!"

"No reason!"

"I protest!"

Everyone complained that this was a life-threatening training, and it felt like he would die at any time.

"Protest is invalid. Don't think about human rights here. Those who don't follow the rules will have half the number of black sticks every day."

"The above is the training mechanism, and there are other benefits not mentioned."

"First of all, black sticks can be earned, complete the tasks released by the clone, or challenge clones outside the safe area, and get black stick rewards."

"No one has a day off a week to play outside the space."

"Of course girls can apply for double black sticks if they have periods."

"Well, I think too much, you are still young."

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, he was met with the eyes of all the girls.

Such a thoughtful thing, how embarrassing to say it.

However, compared to the previous regulations, the current welfare is much more humanized.

"Finally reminder, you must not exploit your teammates, but you can **** the black sticks of other teams, and keep the bottom line at five."

"Fighting is not allowed in the safe zone, nor is it allowed to cause injury."

"Training starts now."

After Tang Chen said the next sentence, a large number of black sticks flew in front of everyone, and he began to prepare various materials.

Food should be prepared for sleeping and bathing, and nutrition should be guaranteed.

A large number of clones appeared, entered their respective positions to practice, and tested the Shrek people with part-time jobs.

Tang Chen's training was perfect, and he left a lot of loopholes in it.

For example, you only need to buy one map, girls can take a bath together, and food can be distributed according to physical needs.

It depends on wisdom and unity, especially the last **** rule.

Time passed slowly, Tang Chen was not in a hurry to collect the black stick, everything had a process of adaptation.

Within the deadline given, everyone stood up.

They were all sweaty and swaying as they walked.

Tang San looked at the six sisters, judging by the size of their chests, their IQ was definitely not that low.

can only play the role of team leader.

"Brother, can this black stick be able to buy anything?" Tang San asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes, what do you want to buy?" Tang Chen replied with interest.

"How do you sell your fruit?"

Tang San wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the little monster team enviously.

now reflects the value of support

Everyone is supported by soul power, but his team has no auxiliary soul master.

"I count"

"A black stick has ten recovery fruits and five violent fruits. How many do you want to buy?"

Tang Chen made a simple calculation, in order to avoid unexpected situations, the recovery fruit was slightly more.

After all, there is no soul power outside, and he may be directly crushed to death.

"Twenty, plus a map!"

Tang San handed over the black stick and only reserved four hours for himself to rest.

In this kind of cultivation environment, it is unrealistic to sleep well.

can only last until the rest day, the strategic goal is the challenge task outside.

"no problem!"

Tang Chen quickly took out the things and gave him a big thumbs up.

This kid is a little smart.

"Half a black stick to share the map!"

After Tang San got the map, he suddenly shouted.

The other two teams heard that they were taking advantage of it, so they immediately got together.

"Boy, how about half a black stick?"

Zao Wou-Ki Langsheng opened his mouth and stared at these students like a wolf.

Now they are the strongest in the three groups, and they can consider grabbing the black stick.

"Restoration fruit has to be bought anyway, just give you five!"

Everyone heard the truth and immediately agreed to the proposal.

Tang San made a big profit in his first business, and even bought a map for nothing.

And you don’t have to hand it over, you just need to share it.

The brain is really a good thing.


(end of this chapter)

