MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts - C.54 Flying ability, the first battle soul king!Mar 07, 2023

MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts

C.54 Flying ability, the first battle soul king!Mar 07, 2023

Chapter 54 Flight ability, the first battle soul king!

"Shui Dun: Water Formation Wall!"

Such a ferocious flame, even Tang Chen himself did not expect it.

It turns out that Louise kept her hands last time, and the amount of scale powder was less than one-tenth of this time.

A huge wall of water rose, dividing the surging sea of ​​fire.

The temperature of the space increased sharply, because it was not a flame directly transformed by soul power, and the forests on both sides of the road were all ignited.

"Shui Dun Profound Truth: Exploding Water Rush!"

Tang Chen didn't hesitate, and immediately opened his Tenseigan to absorb soul power.

At present, the Ninjutsu at the Profound Truth level is far from enough to rely on the soul power reserve of the body.

must be supplemented with Tenseisen or use a Yin seal.

The monstrous waves rushed forward like a tsunami.

The height of the water waves was more than 20 meters, and the sea of ​​fire was swallowed up in an instant.

Although the fire can burn the attackers to death, he is more aware of the dangers of forest fires.

Just kill before you die.

The scorching air spreads, and the sky is covered by an instant smoke, as if a heavy rain is coming.

"Xiao Wu, take Louise back to the carriage!"

"Okay Brother Chen."

Xiao Wuzui called hanging noodles, hearing that, she quickly helped Louise into the carriage.

The magic of this one is not surprising, although the practice in the forest is not harmonious with the world.

But he has lived for 100,000 years, and his ability to accept is far beyond ordinary people

"Tu Dun: The Technique of Light and Heavy Rocks!"

Tang Chen activated the newly learned ninjutsu, the weight of his body quickly became lighter, and then he slowly floated up.

This is his third flying ability, which is theoretically higher than the external spirit bone.

Ash Wing is a bird-like ability to flap its wings to generate wind pressure to fly.

The second one is Tenseigan, and the Soul Clothing mode can perfectly control the attraction and repulsion.

Just remove your own gravity from the planet, you can fly freely, but it will consume precious mental power.

And the third one is the most perfect, the technique of light and heavy rock, which is to reduce the weight of every atom of an object.

To achieve floating flight, only soul power is consumed.

So he can be used as a regular method, and there are no restrictions.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. The floating speed will naturally be slower, and there are also height restrictions.

Even if it is the technique of ultra-light and heavy rock, it is impossible to fly in space.

The three abilities have pros and cons, and the Ash Wing is suitable for open-sky combat.

Tenseisha is suitable for narrow, complex environments or special spaces.

The last technique of light and heavy rocks is used to contain the enemies on the ground and exert the excellence of air crushing.

"Wind Tun: Big Breakthrough!"

Tang Chen opened his mouth and protruded a whirlwind, blowing away the smoke and dust in the center of the explosion.

There is a halo of soul power in the middle, and it looks like a big brown turtle.

But the five spirit rings shining on his body are shocking.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black.

The Soul King with the best Soul Ring configuration is also the Iron Snatcher Turtle Martial Soul with both defense and attack.

At this moment, the second spirit ring was shining, and the tortoise shell covering the whole body blocked the explosion.

Unfortunately, the other seven were not so lucky, because the soul master's body was tough and was not blown to pieces.

But the scorching temperature of the flames almost charred them.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

"I've seen students who cheat teachers, but I haven't seen teachers who cheat students!"

"I just wanted to teach a lesson, you have to step in!"

"They're all dead now, aren't they?"

Tang Chen looked down, intentionally stimulating the shrinking turtle below.

The talented team acts collectively, and there will definitely be teachers to follow.

I never imagined that there would be a Soul King teacher in an intermediate academy.

This is the first time Tang Chen has faced an opponent of this level, and he has a little expectation in his heart.


"It's so hot at such a young age, it seems that I can't keep you!"

Totes' face was as cold as water at this time, and the death of the seven talented students would bring huge trouble to the academy.

Although he was the vice-principal, he couldn’t explain it, not to mention the disciples he had just accepted.

Originally wanted to let Wilson vent his anger, but he didn’t expect to die here like this.


"The first soul skill: snapping turtle bite!"

Totus had lost his mind a little, and activated his soul skill at the place where the voice came from.

However, he didn’t hit the target, and after canceling the tortoise shell defense, he realized that there was no one in front of him at all.

"What about people?"

"Ahem, what's up there."

Tang Chen was a little speechless, the Soul King he met for the first time turned out to be a fool.

Really unpleasant first experience.

"Soul Venerable? Can you still fly?"

Totus raised his head and stared, the color of the spirit ring made his pupils shrink.

Purple, purple, black.

After being stunned for a while, Totes found that his back was soaked with sweat.

"Children, it may be a misunderstanding, I don't know these people."


Tang Chen's body crooked, and he almost fell from the air.

The first time I saw such a cowardly spirit master, is it because of the turtle?

"Did you think too much, first instructing your students to ambush, and then sneak attack yourself."

"Now tell me it's a misunderstanding?"

Murderous intent flashed in Tang Chen's eyes, how could he let the tiger return to the mountain?

He is not afraid of this Soul King coming to take revenge, but it will be troublesome if things go out.


"Children, what a misunderstanding."

"Third Soul Skill: Iron Water Cannon!"

"Fourth Soul Skill: Flying Tooth Turtle Shell!"

Totes' eyes also flashed fiercely, he was not without long-range ability.

This distance is less than 100 meters, and both of his long-range spirit abilities can reach it.

Children are really innocent.

A high-pressure water arrow several meters thick shot out from Wuhun's mouth.

The tortoise shell behind    began to spin, cutting through the air like a saw.

"Court death!"

Tang Chen's reaction was naturally not slow, and the spirit ring on his body lit up at the same time.

"Water Dragon: The Art of Water Dragon Bomb!"

"Shui Dun: The Art of Water Shark Bombing!"

A huge water dragon and a giant shark appeared at the same time, crushing the high-pressure water arrows with a destructive force.

The    residual power was still strong, covering Totes within the range.

And the tortoise shell on the other side is spinning and flying rapidly in the air, not walking in a straight line at all.

If an ordinary spirit master is distracted to deal with his third spirit ability, as long as he is not careful, he will lose the tortoise shell's movement trajectory.

However, after Tang Chen released Shui Dun, he didn't pay much attention at all, and continued to release new ninjutsu attacks.

"Wind Dun: Vacuum Big Jade!"

The powerful soul force rushed out, quickly squeezing the wind element and condensing it.

Wu has formed a form, like a transparent jade pillar, hitting the tortoise shell.

creak ~

Sawtooth tortoiseshell is like cutting steel, and a lot of sparks emerge.

But in the end, it was not cut, because the source of soul power had been disconnected.

Totes was attacked by a water dragon and was unable to be distracted and controlled, so he activated his defensive soul skill.

"Second Soul Skill: Shrinking Turtle!"

Soul power quickly condensed into a carapace, completely protecting his body.


The water dragon collided violently, and the strong force made the turtle shell fly.

And the shark seemed to wait for a long time, the giant mouth swallowed him whole, and then slammed into the ground heavily.


The ground trembled constantly, and the big hole that was knocked out was filled with clean water.

And Tang Chen's attack didn't end

(end of this chapter)

