MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine - C.459 different reactionsMar 07, 2023

MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine

C.459 different reactionsMar 07, 2023

Chapter 459 Different reactions

Wen Jianshu, who was still a little hesitant at first, also made his own decision.

Wen Jianshu stretched out his arms, wanting to hug his possibly broken wife in his arms and comfort him.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yi pushed him away and turned to sleep with the sheep in his arms.

At least this evening, because of Wen Jianshu's little hesitation, even if it is reasonable, Lin Yi will not forgive him.

Wen Jianshu also felt very guilty when he saw his wife's attitude, and felt that he was too unhuman.

He decided to wait for Qinling to come back, no matter whether things went well or not, he would work hard to facilitate this so that Momo could wake up.

On the other hand, Xiao Tao has a simple mind and can't hold back. He has already told everything to his third child.

When Lin Yi was eavesdropping at the entrance of the tent, Xiao Tao was not idle, and listened to every word inside.

Although she didn't quite understand many things, one thing she heard clearly was that as long as Momo woke up, the world would not return to the way it used to be.

But if the world must be restored to its former prosperity and peace, then it will die.

In Xiaotao's heart, she thought very simply, that as long as Momo wakes up, everything else doesn't matter.

If there is no Momo, there is no other choice in this world, right?

This choice was given to Momo, and she naturally could not give it.

The simpler the person, the easier it is to think about the problem, but often he can come up with the most straightforward reason.

But Xiaotao knew that her choice on this matter was of no use at all. After Qinling came back, Qinling's choice really counted.

Xiao Tao knows Qin Ling, but she is not familiar with it, so she is afraid that Qin Ling will make a different choice from her.

She couldn't sleep with such worries, so she told the third child everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

The third child was shocked when he heard that the elder sister-in-law had an accident, but after hearing the whole thing, his heart was completely relieved.

"Then just wait for the boss to come back, what are you thinking about here?"

The third child doesn't think this is anything at all.

"Why do you have such a big heart? Momo is always so kind to you, why don't you worry about her at all? You have no conscience!"

Xiao Tao was angry, as expected of her goddaughter, and her angry look was exactly the same as Lin Yi.

"worry about what?"

The third child's mind is simpler, he doesn't even understand what his daughter-in-law is worried about.

"First, the boss will definitely come back safely. Second, the boss will definitely give the agility pearl to the sister-in-law. Then the sister-in-law will be safe and sound, but it's just a few more days of sleep now, what are you worried about?"

In the heart of the third child, the sister-in-law is really too tired at ordinary times, and it may not be a bad thing to take a few more days off now.

"How do you know that Qinling will definitely bring that bead to Momo?"

Hearing what his man said, Xiao Tao breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked.

"Don't worry daughter-in-law, I promise with my life, you don't know the boss, the boss he..."

The third child's voice is getting lower and lower, Xiao Tao is still waiting for him to say the next words, but there is still no sound after waiting left and right.


Xiao Tao pushed the person next to her, only to realize that the third child was already asleep.

"Heart as big as a pig."

Xiao Tao scolded, but she knew that the third child had been with Qin Ling for a long time, and when he said such words with such certainty, Xiao Tao’s heart was relieved a lot, and she fell into a deep sleep soon after.


"Brother, I can't sleep."

Lin Yu's tent, Xianxian clutched the quilt tightly on one side.

Xianxian is different from Yangyang, she is already a sensible age.

Although she didn't know what happened in the tent, she still knew that Sister Tang was in danger today.

And until the end, her brother didn't let her go to see Sister Tang Mo, she was very worried.

"Sister Tang Mo will be fine, right?"

After hesitating for a long time, Xianxian still asked.

"Does Xianxian like Sister Tang Mo?"

Lin Yu didn't answer his sister's question, but asked instead.

"Well, I like it very much."

Xianxian replied quickly because he didn't even have any.

"Does that Xianxian want to go back to the pre-apocalyptic world? The way he used to live in Sand Town."


also did not hesitate. Although the little child has slowly overcome the fear of this world, no one does not miss the peace and happiness of the past.

"If you want to return to the previous world, the price is that your favorite sister Tang Mo will die, what will Xianxian choose?"

Lin Yu threw the question to Xianxian.

Xianxian reacted when she heard her brother's words, and then was stunned for a long time and couldn't speak.

This is the first life problem she encountered at a young age.

Xianxian thought seriously, but when she thought about it, she couldn't help crying.

"I don't want sister Tang Mo to die, I don't want it. Xianxian wants to go back to the old days, but if she wants sister Tang Mo to die, Xianxian doesn't want it. Sister Tang Mo didn't do anything wrong, she saved everyone, she It's a big hero, brother, don't let sister Tang Mo die."

Xianxian became more and more sad, and finally burst into tears.

Little she has made her own choice.

And Lin Yu quickly picked up his sister and coaxed, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As expected of her own sister, she did not disappoint herself.

Tang Mo's consciousness floated in the air, after listening to everyone's conversations.

Although she has no physical body, her consciousness can wander freely, and the scope of wandering is the scope that the spiritual power in Tang Mo's body can cover.

That range is too large, that is to say, within this range, everything that happens, as long as Tang Mo thinks, she can hear, see, and feel everything.

She can even see everything happening to everyone at the same time.

Tang Mo and his mother have not been together for a long time.

Since the end of the world, she has embarked on a journey alone. This journey may seem smooth to outsiders, but the truth is that only Tang Mo himself knows how.

In fact, her original intention was to let herself and the people she loves live a good life, to become a strong person to protect the people she wanted to protect, and never to end up in the previous life.

Originally, her wishes were small, and there were very few people she wanted to protect.

But as the road went farther and farther, Tang Mo became stronger and stronger, experienced more and more things, Tang Mo's wishes gradually became bigger, she began to want more, want to do more .

She saw more joys and sorrows of the family, she began to have empathy, she began to understand that the good and evil in the world are often not so clear, and it is not easy for everyone to live in this cruel world.

(end of this chapter)

