MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine - C.457 wait for him to come backMar 07, 2023

MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine

C.457 wait for him to come backMar 07, 2023

Chapter 457 Waiting for him to come back

Yangyang and Xianxian also saw Tang Mo being carried in just now, for fear that they would not let them into the tent.

But the child is not a fool. Now the two of them don't have the heart to play, so they just stay beside the tent.

"What the **** happened?"

After Lin Yi and Xiao Tao both went out, Wen Jianshu asked with a solemn expression, at this time he already understood that the situation in front of him must be very difficult, not a trivial matter.

"At the end of the Tang Dynasty, she fused the Pearl of Space, but the method may be extreme and damaged the sea of ​​​​knowledge."

Lin Yu explained it concisely.

Although Wen Jianshu is not a power user, his intelligence and strategic ability are not comparable to ordinary people, so he is very respected both in the previous base and in the current protection circle.

Although he has no powers, he is no stranger to the issue of power attribute values, and he has even read more information than power users.

"Injured the Sea of ​​Consciousness?"

Wen Jianshu's face became even more solemn. He knew that the damage to the sea of ​​consciousness was very serious and almost irreversible.

"The attribute value must far exceed the late Tang Dynasty and she must not be repelled by her, in order to restore her sea of ​​consciousness." Zong Chang added.

"But now there is a way."

Lin Yu looked at the sect chief and wanted to confirm whether the same thing he and the sect chief had just thought could really come true.

Although I just found the answer I wanted in those dozens of pages of instructions, Lin Yu was still not sure.

Zong Chief looked at Lin Yu and looked at him, and knew what he meant, and nodded.

"The only way now is to wait for Qinling to come back, Qinling's mental power Tang Mo should not reject it, and although his attribute value is lower than Tang Mo, there is still an agility pearl in Qinling's body that has been fused for him. As long as the attribute value of Qinling comes into contact with the sea of ​​consciousness at the end of Tang, the energy of the pearl of agility is used to restore the sea of ​​consciousness at the end of Tang, and Tang should be able to wake up."

This is the theoretical support that Lin Yu found after checking the explanation for a long time.

Why do you need people with far higher attribute values ​​than Tang Mo, because the energy of repairing the sea of ​​consciousness will stay in Tang Mo's body and be converted into her energy, and it cannot be recovered.

And if a person with a slightly lower attribute value loses so much energy all at once, it will cause great damage to his body, not only that, but after outputting so much energy, he still has the strength to control the output energy to repair the sea of ​​consciousness. one question.

But Qinling does not have this problem, although his attribute value is not enough in theory.

But to a certain extent, his energy is divided into two parts, which means that the pearl of agility in his body can be separated and given to Tang Mo alone, and that kind of peeling will cause much less damage to people.

Although the energy in the Pearl of Agility has been integrated with Qinling, it is not the original energy after all.

As for why Qinling's energy was not rejected at the end of Tang Dynasty, there is no need to explain it, let alone Lin Yu and Wen Jianshu, even those who know them and have eyes will not be able to see it.

Although he didn't say anything clearly, the two of them didn't plan to hide it any longer.

"Qinling should be back soon."

Hearing that there is still a way, Wen Jianshu finally relaxed.

Just wait until Qinling comes back.

With Qinling's ability, no one thought that he would not come back.

"But there is still a problem, that is, the fusion of the five beads."

The chief continued to follow Lin Yu's words.

If they just confirmed that possibility, they wouldn't read the description for that long.

There is another bad news, which was confirmed by them.

"Five-bead fusion? Momo has already fused four in his body. If Qinling can give Tang Mo the one he fused, wouldn't it be possible to directly fuse the five-beads? This is a double happiness."

Wen Jianshu didn't understand, Momo was missing a bead at this time.

After Qin Ling gave her his own, wasn't everything all right? What else to worry about.

"It's not that simple. The fusion of five beads is to fuse five beads that have been fused in a person's sea of ​​consciousness. But once the pearl of agility in Qinling is restored to Tang Mo's sea of ​​consciousness, it will be directly fused into the sea of ​​consciousness. At the end of Tang Dynasty, the sea of ​​​​knowledge is being repaired. That is to say, if the bead is used for repair, it will be consumed."

At that time, there will be no more five beads in the world, and there will be no fusion, so the desire for mankind to return to a peaceful and prosperous world will naturally cease to exist.

The head of the sect did not say the rest of the words, but several people present understood what they were thinking.

"But, even if the last bead is not used for Momo to repair the sea of ​​consciousness, there is only one bead left, and there is no way to complete the fusion of the five beads."

Wen Jianshu raised the question from another angle.

"No, if the energy of Qinling can successfully enter the sea of ​​consciousness at the end of Tang Dynasty, it can not only repair, but also plunder."

All matters concerning the Attribute Pearl were written very clearly in the description, without any ambiguity, and any speculation could be based on it.

After all that was said, the tent fell silent.

Sang Er looked at Tang Mo, who was still in a coma at this moment, not knowing what to say.

There seemed to be a huge Libra in front of them. One end of the Libra was the hope of all mankind, and the other end of the Libra was the end of Tang Dynasty.

This choice is too cruel and too easy, no one can make a choice right away.

"Wait for Qinling to come back."

Finally, Wen Jianshu said something and temporarily put the matter of choosing on hold.

Now that Qinling has not returned, it is useless for them to think.

The tent became quiet again, and everyone withdrew, leaving Tang Mo a quiet space to rest.

And all the conversations in this tent, everything that happened, Tang Mo heard all.

Tang Mo now feels very familiar, especially like the separation of her soul and body after her first death.

She couldn't feel her body, let alone control it, but she gradually regained consciousness.

But this consciousness is like a gas without a container, and it doesn't know where to float.

Tang Mo felt like she didn't belong to this world now, because she didn't know where she was, and she didn't know whether she was dead or not.

She seems to be looking at the world from a third perspective, everything that happens around her body.

Are you dead?

Tang Mo suddenly remembered that in the last mission, Xu Yin, the client of the world, continued to keep her perspective on the world for a while after her death.

I am in that state now.

(end of this chapter)

