MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine - C.443 Anti-killMar 07, 2023

MTL - Apocalyptic Return To Famine

C.443 Anti-killMar 07, 2023

Chapter 443 Anti-kill

Even Xu Ru had already thought about it. When the good times came, she would let Tiger Zhang kill her parents first.

Then I call the police and arrest him again. By then, no one will really know about these things, and I will be able to live without blemishes.

After this series of events, Xu Ru's heart became more and more ruthless.

Maybe her heart is so cruel by nature, but the recent experience has accelerated her growth.

As expected of a mother and daughter, the two of them even played the same purpose in the small abacus in their hearts, and they were both so ruthless and ruthless.

It's just that the little abacus of these girls is definitely a bit early. In their eyes, Tiger Zhang is now an omnipotent and powerful figure.

In fact, he was just a captain of the security team. He was lucky enough to have the ability to get some food.

At this moment, everyone in the property center has their own thoughts, and Tiger Zhang's heart didn't stop.

While he was depressed that he had fed so much food, the woman he liked still didn't like to pay attention to him.

On the other side, he is also planning, there are four people here, even if the two ragged old people can't give a few bites to eat, but this food will soon bottom out.

If you sit and eat mountains and empty space, no one may be able to live to the day when the world is at peace.

So how can we get some food back?

Zhang Tiger touched his right arm and closed his eyes in thought.

A few days ago, this right arm was indeed maimed by Xu Yuanshan, and the bones inside were broken. Not to mention that I can't go to the hospital now, even if I go to the hospital for a comminuted fracture, it is absolutely impossible to fully recover in a short period of time. impossible things.

But now, Tiger Zhang feels that his right arm is almost healed.

He clenched his fist and felt the power in his body concentrated in his right fist.

In this world, superhumans have supernatural ability to heal their own bodies, especially for such physical injuries, the stronger the physical fitness, the faster the recovery.

This was already known when Zhang Huo was abolished at the end of the Tang Dynasty and **** with his right arm.

At the end of Tang Dynasty, when he and his father Xu left the property center, just to be on the safe side, they abolished one of these men's arms, the one on the right.

The method used in the late Tang Dynasty is very simple, which is to discount the bones in the right arm.

But in about three days, Zhang Huo found that his right arm was completely painless. Although he was **** at the time, he couldn't feel whether he had recovered or not, but at least he didn't feel any problems.

And then he was beaten even more severely by Xu Yuanshan. Now that four days have passed, he is completely sure that his body has the ability to self-recover.

This point was not even thought of by the late Tang Dynasty.

After all, in his own world at the end of the Tang Dynasty, only those with spiritual attributes possessed the ability to heal.

Tiger Zhang is very satisfied with the changes in his body. Since he has such a skill, he must make good use of it...

Zhang Tiger had an idea in his heart.

After the Tang Dynasty returned home, life calmed down again. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to three months, there were only thirty days left.

Although aunt Xu Shan no longer thought about leaving, she was worried every day. Tang Mo and Zhou Jingyi could see that she was worried about her brother outside.

Naturally, at the end of Tang Dynasty, she didn't care. As for Zhou Jingyi, she naturally pretended not to see it. She dragged Xu Shan to talk and play peacefully every day, but Xu Shan's heart became more and more close to this family.

Xu Jinshan has strong feelings for her sister in her heart, and a man can't see the worry under Xu Shan's brows with a rough mind.

Xu Jinshan can only see that every day Xu Shan is having a good time with his wife and two little dolls, and he is very happy.

If it wasn't for the younger brother who was preventing his sister from leaving, he would have long wanted to take her over and enjoy her happiness.

Xu Jinshan is a very grateful person. He knows in his heart that if it wasn't for the help and support of his sister, he would not have finished college smoothly. Now he has a firm foothold in the city and has a happy family.

As for that younger brother, he originally wanted to make up for the relationship that he had not been together for so many years, but he spent a lot of money, but in exchange for it was an inch and a wolf. What's left.

Except for Xu Yuanshan who regularly calls to ask for money every year, there is almost no other contact at all.

The days are getting closer, and there are still a lot of things left in the freezer in the kitchen at home. In addition, at the end of Tang, seeing that the current performance of Xu's father and Xu's mother is still OK, and slowly and quietly from the small warehouse in his room. move things.

Zhou Jingyi has a lot of things at home, she can feel her daughter is taking things outside.

But Zhou Jingyi also knew that her daughter was a person with ideas, and there was some stock in the room, so she just sorted everything out at the end of Tang, without saying or asking.

The mother and daughter maintain such a tacit understanding. The food at home is better and better, not only two meals a day, but also almost every meal.

"The food in this family is so good, how come there are not so many things in the kitchen?"

Xu Jinshan is a man with big nerves, but even if his nerves are too big for a long time, he will be aware of it.

"Eat your meal, so much rice can't stop your mouth." Zhou Jingyi took the meat from a chopstick to her husband.

Xu Jinshan chewed something in his mouth and closed his mouth obediently.

Xu Jinshan adapts very quickly to Zhou Jingyi's change. He is a good-tempered person, and his wife's current appearance is not bad.

On the contrary, Tang Mo was very happy with Zhou Jingyi's changes now. Mother Xu is like this now, so she doesn't have to worry about leaving in the future.

A husband and wife in a family should be complementary to each other.

The previous Xu Jinshan and Zhou Jingyi were both too good-tempered, so they were bullied and ended up in a bad end.

Now if Zhou Jingyi can stand up and control Xu Jinshan, then naturally this family will definitely get better.

Tang Mo was very satisfied with her meal, watching her sitting peacefully on the carpet in the living room and playing. For the next month, she was going to spend the next month in the mood of a vacation.

Now there is almost no positive content on social platforms on major networks, and every household is starving.

The most common posts on the platform are complaining about wanting to commit suicide, or asking for help, full-screen SOS.

No one wants to read this kind of content. When the mud Bodhisattva crosses the river, everyone is unable to protect himself. Who can save whom?

However, the owner group of the Tang Dynasty Community is still very active and the atmosphere is lively.

(end of this chapter)

